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I think I may have to vote

Reinstate my right because this election might be important

By Shanon Marie Clare Angermeyer NormanPublished 6 days ago 3 min read

I wasn't upset when they told me that I couldn't vote anymore. I didn't want to go through the red tape to reinstate my voting privilege. I figured there's no way to ever vote for the right person, and I don't trust the voting system anyway. I've had my opinions about my country, the structure, principles, constitution, legislation, and history. I've been watching things change since the Reagan administration. I could recap all the follies of every Presidency I've endured since 1971. But I won't waste your time with my skewed historical summary. Instead, I will just say that of the three "taboos" (sex, religion, and politics) Americans seem quite satisfied taking on religion and politics, but they are still the most hush hush and hypocritical when it comes to sex.

Television used to keep us informed and united, but that's completely out of whack now. There are too many ways to access television programming and not every body is watching the same news or the same shows. So everybody had different information. It's the most ununified I've ever seen it. The UNITED States of America? More like the Separate and Hypocritical States of America.

I really really didn't want to talk about politics anymore. I thought once Trump had been beaten by Biden, I was done talking. But then I see a clip of a debate where Biden looks like he's going to pass out and says things that are so detestable, that I'm ready to reinstate my voting right just to help insure that Trump gets re-elected. I might even wear a MAGA T-shirt.

I'm not an idealist or a pessimist or an optimist. I consider myself a realist. I'm not a Democrat or a Republican, I'm an American. I'm not a conservative or a liberal, I'm a Constitutionalist. I spent 13 formal public education years raised as a Catholic saying the Pledge of Allegience with the phrase "One Nation Under God" and my right hand over my heart. All these ridiculous nincompoops who think they know everything about the USA probably never spent a year in a public school. Not only did I spend my entire childhood immersed in public schools in both New Jersey and Florida, but I even went on to teach in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties. I know what it's like in there for both the student and the teacher. And public school is the microcosm of the country. If you were worried about Socialism or Communism ruining a once great Capitalist country, then don't fear anymore, it's already happened under the Biden administration. If you miss Capitalism and how it once made America great, then I suggest you and I both show up at the voting booths in November and get Trump back in.

I said I was homeless and poor under both Presidents so I don't care for either one. That's still reality to me. Yet I can not deny that rent and mortgages went up during Biden's reign. I can not deny that employment is almost impossible to attain during Biden's reign. Jobs? What jobs? For who? Only fast food workers? Forget anybody else? And if you've got any disabiity you can pretty much kiss any piece of the American dream pie goodbye.

What about healthcare? Does that even exist anymore? Medicare and Medicaid is the biggest mess I've ever seen it. Homelessness is the worst I've ever seen it. Unemployment is rampant. Cars and Housing the most expensive they've ever been. Everything seems impossibe. America? This once great land of milk and honey is now just a stomping ground for criminals, scammers, druggies, and liars. If you don't consider yoursef at least one of those four, you're not American anymore. That's what has happened to the nation that used to be the leader, the best, the defender of all the weaker and poorer. Now we are the weak and the poor and nobody we've helped in the past is coming to save US.

Trump is our only hope and that's sad, but true.

votingtrumppresidentpoliticspoliticiansopinionnew world orderlegislationhumanityhistoryfinanceeducationdefensecorruptioncontroversiescongressactivism

About the Creator

Shanon Marie Clare Angermeyer Norman

Published Writer and Artist. Singer/Actress. College grad.

I don't use Spellcheck or Grammerly and my laptop has sticky keys so there will be typos. Sorry.

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    Shanon Marie Clare Angermeyer NormanWritten by Shanon Marie Clare Angermeyer Norman

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