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Biden Was Terrific In The First Debate

Trump Was Petulance Incarnate

By Todd SchultzPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

It was truly a cartoon at the first presidential debate of 2020 between current President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Donald Trump continuously showed us that he doesn't know anything other than the innermost details of every Fox News Conspiracy.

The President clearly doesn't know how the government works. Not once did he even give a sub par explanation about policy. He doesn't know how things work, he doesn't care. His mouth and twitter account are his policy. They are what they are, and they take the place of a presidential actor. There is a void in the president's seat.

I won't speak badly about Joe Biden here. Perhaps he wasn't vastly entertaining in every moment, and I've found that political critics love to bring up awkward silences or awkward moments in general their due, I think it does a great disservice the job that Joe Biden did last night.

Biden was extremely prepared. He answered every question with detailed plans and bits of knowledge. He spoke to the audience and said I care about you. And it was authentic. This is what he shares with his former boss, Barack. They both care. (It reminded me of the time when Obama embraced the name "Obamacare". "I do care!" he offered in one speech during his presidency.)

But the quality of Biden's performance wasn't limited to the great empathy he displayed for all Americans, but he spoke eloquently and with detail. His words were not cheap and he apologize for the past with such sencerity that we haven't seen since John McCain told that a woman, who had accused Obama of being an "Arab" at one of his 2008 rallies "No ma'am. He's a descent family man citizen that I just happen to disagree with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign is all about." It's that sort of sentiment that really represents the best in American politicans.

Biden had that last night even when Trump was that sentiments darkest and deepest opposite. He didn't belittle Trump from the mud. He stood strong and stood up to Trump. He was at his best when he was ignoring the substance of what Trump was saying, because Trump only lies. Whenever he got dragged into the lie it put him on the defensive which is he didn't need to be.

Donald Trump was such an epic fail it's hard to believe that he's an adult human. I've accepted it.

I don't hate Trump in the slightest anymore. I don't respect him enough to hate him. I don't think he really is at fault for his problems anymore. I think he should be on a conservatorship much like Britney Spears. The fact is, he was voted into office, and that should afford him a certain amount of immunity. Donald Trump did not do that much to hide his true self from the public. He lied from the very start. He was thoughtless, uneducated and pathologically narcissistic from the beginning. And they voted him in.

Last night, he embarrased himself in front of anyone who isn't a full fledged passenger on the Trump Train. He was unhinged, obviously, and it didn't suit him to be so vulnerable. He was truly childish. He does not have the mind of an adult. He cannot distinguish right from wrong, and he should be pitied.

Checks and Balances is one of the most beautiful concepts that help to define the American Experiment. It's important that the alternate parts of our governing body are able to observe and repair our system. This is an ongoing process. And one that we are a part of. Our vote for Joe Biden is a healthy mechanation of the political process.

If we want to heal this country, it starts by voting in Joe Biden this November. This does not mean we stop fighting for what's right, and take down injustice at every turn. We will be standing on stronger ground with Joe Biden. Trump's America is more violent, more dangerous, more difficult to get health care in, and the wages suck.

Joe Biden is going to give us 15 dollar an hour minimum wage which will raise the earning of the middle class tremendously. He wants to improve Obama care with a public option that will cover people who need it automatically. This is a very progressive and needed policy.

Joe Biden may have shied away from promoting the Green New Deal, but I believe he is going to address Climate Change as seriously as it deserves to be addressed. Donald Trump, on the other hand, will not deal with it. He won't even admit it's a problem.

After voting for Joe Biden, your second duty as a citizen of the United States in 2020 is finding in roads with the people around you. Even the ones you disagree with. Those are the most important inroads to be making. We don't have to attack one another in order to make each other understand.

It's true. We don't need to condemn the racist, but rather, explain to him the value of Joe Biden's policies. People are not bad people. They're not good people. They're people. They go through things they can't control for 18 years, called their childhood, and then they become a personality and it's not all in their control. We have to have empathy for our brothers and sisters across the aisle.

Trump, unfortunately, is the product of very unique and high powered circumstances. A lot of abuse, disappointment, and most importantly, a lot of money, created the child-like man-baby you saw on the debate stage last night. If you were to sum up Trump's substance from last night, you'd say "Neener Neener Neener," and stick your tongue out.

It's not a surprise that Biden did as well as he did. After the worry about Biden's cognition, we all seemed to forget that this man knows how the system to works. He was vice president twice. He's debated so many times. My favorite part of his performance was that he could sense Donald Trump's ignorance every time. He know's how the sausage is made, and I loved seeing him laugh everytime Trump pretended to be presidenting.

This is the embarrasment that I wanted for Trump. An honest reflection of his incompetence. That's what we need to see as a country. And let it be the message you need to vote for Joe Biden in November.


About the Creator

Todd Schultz

34 year old writer living in Los Angeles.

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