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Biden Failed Africa When He Refused to Invite West African Military Leaders to US-Africa Summit And Continues to Dehumanized Africans

Biden and the United States is a failure when it comes to Africa and they should give up on trying

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
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Friday, 11 August 2023

By: TB Obwoge

First thing out the gate before all the naysayers get in their feelings, the Chadian self-proclaimed leader of Chad was invited. Along with African leaders who have ruled for 20-43 years as presidents, yet the countries with military leaders were not invited. This is a sign of the evil, hypocrisy of the United States government.

Zimbabwe which the US placed on sanctions over 20 years ago, for taking land from white landowners. Land that didn't rightfully belong to them.

The fact that leaders have had some questionable (sham) elections where they failed to have democratic elections with true opponents but Joe Biden refused to invite the leaders of Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinée.

Office of the President of the United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

While a significant majority of African nations joined the summit this week, five were not invited. A senior White House official this week said four of those countries — Guinea, Sudan, Mali and Burkina Faso — have changed their governments unconstitutionally and were suspended from the African Union.

Adam Schultz, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Paul Kagame President of Rwanda, has been in power for 20-years, yet her was invited to the country. There are even stories of Kagame kidnapping a citizen and returning him to Rwanda, along with other alleged crimes.

Biden had a slither of a chance in making Africans understand that they are humans who deserve respect. Instead Russia invited these same leaders and they went to attend the Russia-Africa summit.

France is now crying because Niger is no longer under their total control, so thousands of Black Africans are preparing to slaughter other Black Africans in order to return Niger to the control of France.

Collage Created by the author

The military leaders in Niger have said that they will kill the deposed President of Niger Mohamed Bazoum, if troops enter their country.

These men are military soldiers of Niger and the international media addresses them as if they're animals. These same men are nothing less than those white Americans who were in the capital of the United States on January 6th, with the exception that they were successful and have the backing of millions of Nigerien citizens.

The United States government throughout history had added war, murder and death upon the African continent. No wonder some Africans prefer China and Russia to the US.

During the Cold War, the United States propped up military dictatorships and repressive one-party states in countries such as Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo), Liberia, Sudan, Somalia, and Kenya. It only distanced itself from the apartheid regime in South Africa after massive protests in the mid-1980s.

More recently, U.S. President Donald Trump’s has subjected African citizens to travel bans and infamously referred to African countries as “shithole countries.”

The current protests come as the coronavirus pandemic has stripped away the facade of American exceptionalism and exposed deep and persistent racial inequalities in the United States—evidenced by the disproportionately high rate of COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths among black people. Beyond the public health crisis, African Americans are also the most exposed to the consequences of the economic crisis that follows in the wake of the virus. The cavalier and inept response by the Trump administration and allied white Republican governors demonstrates a depraved disregard for black lives. Africans know this.

Source: Foreign Policy

The US has committed several human rights violations however haven't once faced punishment. As the United Nations is the seat of the American government and they refuse to punish the acts of the American government.


The USA re-engaged with international human rights institutions when it was reviewed by the UN CERD Committee for the first time since 2014. In its concluding observations, the Committee commented upon the lack of progress by the USA on several issues, including the prevalence of hate crimes, gun violence, excessive use of force by law enforcement and violence against women. Courts limited human rights protections by striking down abortion rights and gun regulations and preventing the administration from ending exclusions of asylum seekers at the US-Mexico border.

Sexual and reproductive rights

In June, the US Supreme Court ended federal protections for abortion rights by overturning Roe v. Wade, reversing nearly 50 years of jurisprudence. Many states immediately moved to implement standing or new laws to ban entirely or severely curtail access to abortion. At least one state subsequently arrested and prosecuted a woman who aided a self-managed abortion.

Several state legislatures passed laws to protect the right to abortion and increase access to abortion.

President Biden signed executive orders in July and August that further promote access to medical abortion and support those travelling between states to access abortion services, among other mechanisms to promote reproductive rights. In August, in the first popular vote on abortion since the US Supreme Court decision, Kansas voters overwhelmingly rejected a state amendment to restrict abortion. During the November elections, voters in California, Michigan and Vermont passed ballot initiatives providing abortion protection, while voters in Kentucky and Montana rejected further abortion restrictions.

Source: Amnesty International

Why isn't the United States ever held accountable for their human rights violations?

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey's House efforts in Gender Equality & Children's Rights moves internationally!

©️TB Obwoge 2023 All Rights Reserved


About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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