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Active Measures

The Soviets Are Still At It

By Fifth Column FrogPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

This is Fifth Column Frog. I am putting myself at great personal risk to transmit on this frequency for the sake of the American Soul. Please pay attention…

At the end of my last transmission I left you with a question: Who is working to destroy The West and turn every man, woman, and child into a mass of stick bundles that can’t summon the will or the focus or the testicular fortitude to form an adequate resistance?

In 1984, a former KGB agent turned defector named Yuri Bezmenov gave a television interview in which he explained the Soviet Union’s method of psychological warfare he called “Ideological Subversion”. He warned every Western nation, particularly the United States, that they had all been infected and were a couple of decades away from total annihilation. That KGB agents were less involved with intelligence and more involved with what were called “Active Measures” to, in his words, “Change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that, despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions.” Nobody listened, and now today we get to watch in horror as very small children are being poisoned and mutilated to cater to a twisted ideology that is determined to destroy the formerly free world.

According to Mr. Bezmenov, the process involves four stages:

Stage One – Demoralization: The first phase of the process can last between fifteen and twenty years, because that is the time it takes to educate one generation. This could take longer, depending on how many agents were deployed into the country’s educational system, and at what levels. These agents do more than merely TELL their charges what to think, they subtly shape their perceptions. At the same time, other agents placed within the major media system will work to transmit a view of reality that is just as warped as what’s presented in school, thus making sure the nation’s youth are infected everywhere they go.

Stage Two – Destabilization: After a nation has been sufficiently demoralized; once much of its youth is sympathetic to the ideals imposed by the enemy, either consciously or unconsciously, destabilization begins. This phase usually lasts between two to five years to alter (destroy) the nation’s foreign relations, defense, and economy.

Stage Three – Crisis: This will be a climactic turning point that will last approximately six weeks of unrelenting chaos designed to bring “a violent change of power, structure, and economy.”

Stage Four – Normalization: The final stage, as Bezemnov says “is when your country is completely taken over, living under a new ideology and reality.” This usually requires a military takeover, especially since it is preceded by a period of violent (planned) upheaval that needs to be quelled for the now conquered nation to function in a way that benefits the conquerors. According to Bezmenov, it would be a whole generation and several decades for people to begin to even think in a way contrary to how their new masters want them to.

I know, it sounds ridiculous to think that the former Soviet Union has succeeded in destroying America long after its collapse but understand that the procedure that Yuri spoke of was designed to be a decades-long process. He said there was still time to correct what was happening, but that was almost forty years ago. Too much time has passed, and we are beyond the tipping point. All hope for America is lost.

I also know that you may scoff at the idea because we’re now living well beyond the timeline that he laid out, so it can’t be right. What you have to consider is that the subversive tactics he spoke of had worked in parts of Africa and Asia. The structures of these smaller, newer, more primitive nations weren’t designed to be as robust as those of Western powers that were carefully crafted to govern much larger nations for hundreds of years.

The founding fathers of the United States went to such painstaking ends to design a system that would protect the rights and will of the people against a potentially tyrannical government that any such subversive programs by a foreign power would be met with so many layers of incidental resistance that it would be nearly impossible to destroy it. Every system, however, has a weakness, and that weakness is its breaking point.

Stay tuned to learn what that weakness is, and how you can fortify it within your own family and community, so as to form an adequate resistance against the destruction that’s coming.

End transmission.


About the Creator

Fifth Column Frog

Bronze Age Vitalist. Bio-essentialist. Soldier of God. #deathtobugs #christisking

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