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Why are bad people stronger than good people? Don't the bad guys feel guilty?

Mental health has a long way to go

By DerasomPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

You know: there are a lot of bad people who don't think they've done anything wrong, and they don't think they've done anything bad.

Maybe in the end, they are even more innocent and wronged than you.

The reason why they have such a reaction is because many so-called "bad guys" have a particularly obvious feature: dyslexia.

Unconscionable people have no conscience at all about what they have done wrong or who they have accidentally hurt. You talk to them about guilt, and you talk to them about guilt, and they find it ridiculous.

I have summed up some of the most distinctive characteristics of people with unhealthy disorders:

1. They have no sense of responsibility for their sensibility and relationships. For them, they do not feel deeply about relationships. They can easily give up and hurt those around them without any psychological fluctuations.

2. They do not value the established social norms and morals, and they are difficult to follow these rules in real life. In their view, norms and moral constraints are a joke

3. They have almost no ability to empathize. They have no sympathy for the experiences of others. They have no perception of other people's pain, sadness, torture and other emotions.

4. And they are also very good at dressing up, not good at pretending to be a moral person, or being a victim themselves, poor people

That is to say: if you ask most of us according to the moral standards of our lives, you will find that they do not obey what they say at all, that is because they do not approve of this set of things from the beginning to the end, and you can't help it. persuade them.

To give an inappropriate example: you think that Chinese people don't use forks to eat, but chopsticks make you feel incredible, and you wonder if they don't find it inconvenient to use - but in their way of life and thinking, there is no such thing as "Fork" said so, and still did not delay their lives.

Moreover, many people may not realize a problem: for many people, what they need is not "reasonable and consistent with secular values", they only need one thing to do things, which is "logical self-consistency".

For example, let's take an example: a person cheated on his other half in a relationship. For this person, when he made this decision, he did not need to prove that "I cheated and cheated was moral, and my cheating was can be accepted by the other half” (and it can’t be proved at all).

He just has to tell himself: My significant other is not treating me well, I am not getting what I want in this relationship, I have needs myself, my needs are not being met, it is normal for me to find someone see , as long as he can realize his own logical self-consistency, it is enough for him to hurt others.

And this kind of logical self-consistency will continue to strengthen his cognition when he may have feelings of guilt and self-blame. In the end, he himself believes that there is no problem with doing so.

So you will find that many promiscuous men and promiscuous women end up with basically the same rhetoric:

I have been hurt in my relationship (family of origin), I have left a psychological shadow area, I can't completely trust others, and I am also worried about myself being hurt, so I don't know how to love someone, so I always put A relationship messed up...

From the point of view of normal people, this logic not only cannot withstand careful scrutiny, it is even ridiculous: you have been wronged, you have been hurt in other relationships, and what does it have to do with your current partner? ? Why do you want to hurt someone else immediately because someone hurt you?

But for them, they don't need it at all, or they are deliberately avoiding "thinking clearly", because for them, as long as they can convince themselves, it is enough for them to do it.

This is why they can hurt others unscrupulously, because before making that action, they themselves have enough psychological construction, and they have already determined that their behavior is not a problem, so they can do it with confidence and without considering the consequences.

And when you point out that their behavior and logic loopholes are inappropriate, you will find that they are repeating their own logic upside down.

This is why the bad guys seem to be mentally stronger than the good guys, and never seem to have any inner turmoil:

Because from the very beginning, their world view and logic system did not recognize our conventional moral concepts.

And when normal people do something, they will look at the "right or wrong" of doing it, but for them, to do one thing, they only need to be logical and self-consistent on their own side, which is enough to act.

personality disorder

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