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Top 12 Common Dream Symbols and What They Mean

Powerful keys for engaging your dreaming self

By Carla PatonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 22 min read
Megan Thomas on Unsplash

How often do you wake up from a dream and wonder what it meant? Dreams can be puzzling, and sometimes it’s hard to interpret their symbolism. In this article, in no particular order, I will explore twelve common dream symbols or images and their possible meanings. Keep in mind that dreams are always firstly personal, so not all of these interpretations may apply to you. But hopefully, this article will help you decode the hidden messages in your dreams!

The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul. — C, G. Jung


Animals often appear in our dreams because they are powerful symbols with many different meanings. In general, animals represent aspects of our personality or characteristics that we want to express. For example, a lion might represent power and strength, while a rabbit might symbolize innocence and vulnerability.

Dreaming about an animal can also mean that you are thinking about something in your waking life. For example, if you dream of a dog, it might mean that you want to be more loyal to someone or do something nice for them (like giving them a gift). If we aren’t sure what our dreams mean then we can seek out the help of experts who have studied this topic extensively such as C. G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, and James Hillman.

The first step is understanding why animals appear so often in our dreams. They represent aspects of ourselves and they give us clues into how we see ourselves or how others perceive us based on their actions towards these creatures when they encounter them during sleep time! There are many common interpretations for certain types like dogs being loyal friends while snakes symbolize something negative like danger or deceitful behavior.

The second step to interpreting your dream about an animal involves figuring out what this creature represents by looking at its characteristics: For example, the lion is known as the king of the jungle and represents power, strength, and courage. If you dream about a lion, it might mean that you are feeling powerful in some area of your life or that you need to exhibit more courage in order to achieve something.


Water is often seen as a symbol of life and cleansing. It can also represent emotions such as sadness or anger. Dreams involving water may be trying to tell you something about how you’re feeling emotionally.

One of the most commonly seen themes in water dreams is cleansing or purification. This could suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed with something in your life and need a fresh start. Alternatively, it could represent feelings of guilt or shame that you need to address and move past.

Another theme associated with water dreams is renewal or growth. This suggests that you are ready to make positive changes in your life and grow into the person you want to be. Water is often seen as a symbol of change and new beginnings, so this type of dream may be a sign that you are ready to make some big changes.

Finally, water dreams can also be interpreted as a warning or message from your subconscious mind. If you are experiencing a lot of negative emotions in your waking life, it may be reflected in your water dreams. This is your subconscious way of communicating with you and urging you to address the issues that are causing you stress.

So what do these different themes mean for you specifically? That’s something only you can answer. However, if you’re curious about the meaning of a specific dream involving water, here are a few common examples and their associated interpretations:

Dreaming about drinking clear water: This suggests that things in your life are going well and things are looking up for you.

Dreaming about drinking dirty or polluted water: This suggests that you are in danger of being overwhelmed by negative emotions and situations.

Dreaming about swimming in a calm, peaceful ocean: This suggests that you are on the right track and headed in the right direction with your life.

Dreaming about swimming in a stormy sea: This suggests that you are feeling out of control in some areas of your life.

Dreaming about walking on water: This symbolizes your ability to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.


Death is an often-feared symbol, but it doesn’t always mean disaster or bad news. Death dreams are some of the most common nightmares that people experience. They can be extremely frightening, leaving you feeling scared and anxious after you wake up.

Death dreams can vary in their content, but they often involve seeing, experiencing, or fearing death. They may also include images of funerals, cemeteries, and other symbols associated with death. While these dreams can be unsettling, they usually offer us important insights into our lives.

One of the most common meanings behind death dreams is that they are a warning from our subconscious about a potential health scare. Dreams about death often occur when we are feeling particularly anxious or stressed out about our health. In this case, the dream is trying to get our attention and warn us about an issue that we need to address.

If you have been having recurring death dreams, it might be a sign that you are not living your life in a way that is true to yourself. Dreams about death often occur when we are feeling stuck or stagnant in our lives. They might be prompting us to make some changes so that we can start living more authentically.

Death dreams can also be interpreted as a sign that we are ready to let go of something or someone in our lives. This could be an old relationship, job, or lifestyle that no longer serves us. The dream might be prompting us to let go and move on with our lives.

If you have been experiencing death dreams, it is important to take the time to explore what they might mean for you. While they can be scary, these dreams often offer valuable insights into our lives.


Dreams involving flying often symbolize freedom and liberation. It might represent a desire to escape from a situation or problem that you’re currently facing.

Most people have had a dream about flying at some point in their lives. Dreams about flying can be exhilarating and empowering, or they can be frightening or even nightmare-inducing. What do these dreams mean? And why do we have them?

There is no one answer to this question, as dreams about flying can symbolize many different things depending on the individual’s personal context and life experience. However, some of the most common interpretations of flying dreams include freedom, power, and escape from danger or difficult circumstances. Flying dreams may also represent our desire to reach new heights or explore new possibilities.

Some specific examples of flying dreams include:

  • Soaring through the sky like an eagle
  • Riding on a magic carpet or broomstick
  • Flying in a jet or other aircraft
  • Hovering above the ground or flying through tunnels or buildings
  • While there is no one correct interpretation of flying dreams, they generally symbolize feelings of freedom, power, and escape. If you are experiencing difficult circumstances in your life, dreaming about flying may be a way of expressing your desire to break free from them. Alternatively, if you are feeling stuck or limited in some way, flying may represent your longing for greater freedom and possibilities. Dreams about flying can also be interpreted as symbols of spiritual growth or transformation. Soaring through the sky like an eagle might represent soaring to new heights on the path to enlightenment.


    Dreams of falling can be both scary and exhilarating, but they usually symbolize insecurity or a lack of control in your life. Falling may also indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed or out of your depth in some way.

    Dreams have been a source of fascination for many people throughout history. Some dreams are good and some are bad, but none has fascinated us more than falling dreams. This is likely because most of us have experienced one at some point in our lives and we know just how terrifying it can be to fall from a great height during dream time. While these types of dreams can be frightening, they do not necessarily mean you will die or anything else like that; instead, they tend to symbolize something less dire such as feeling overwhelmed by your current situation in life (e.g., work). The meaning behind why someone might dream about falling varies greatly depending on what happens next after waking up from the nightmare which led them to think about their situation more deeply. When you wake up from a dream where you were falling, it’s not uncommon for your first thought to be “why did that happen?” Did someone push me off the cliff edge? Was there some kind of trap set up by an enemy I didn’t see coming? Or maybe just bad luck caused this unfortunate event…

    There are many different interpretations of why people might dream about falling, but some of the most common reasons include feeling overwhelmed or out of control in one’s life. This could be due to a number of factors such as work-related stress, relationship problems, financial difficulties, etc. When you feel like you can’t handle what’s happening around you and that everything is moving too fast, dreams about falling can often surface as a way for your subconscious mind to warn you that things may be getting too dangerous or chaotic. In some cases, these dreams may also represent feelings of self-doubt or insecurity; for example, if you’re considering making a major change in your life (e.g., quitting your job) and fear that you might not be successful.

    Other reasons for experiencing falling dreams could include feeling anxious about upcoming changes in your life, such as a new baby or starting a new job. In these cases, the dream may represent feelings of uncertainty or fear about what the future holds. If you’re going through a difficult time and feeling like things are out of your control, it’s not uncommon to have dreams that reflect this chaotic energy. It’s also worth noting that some people simply enjoy dreaming about falling because the sensation can be quite exhilarating (even if it is scary). This type of dream usually reflects someone who feels adventurous and takes risks in their waking life.


    Houses can represent many different things in our dreams, such as our physical body, our family life, or our emotional state. They can also signify the places we feel safe and secure.

    People have been dreaming about houses for centuries. The house dream is one of the most common dreams and there are many possible interpretations to it. Some people believe that a house dream means that the person is moving, while others believe that the house represents the self or the ego.

    There are many different types of house dreams and some of the most common ones include:

  • The new home: This dream usually symbolizes a new beginning or change in life. It could represent a new job, relationship, or location.
  • The old home: This dream often symbolizes an end to something or a time in your life when you felt safe and secure. It could also mean that you are feeling stuck in your current situation.
  • The burning home: This dream is often interpreted as a warning from your subconscious. It could mean that you are in danger of losing something or that there is something in your life that is causing you stress.
  • The haunted home: This dream usually symbolizes fear or anxiety about something in your life. It could represent a fear of the future, unresolved issues from the past, or problems with relationships.
  • Relationships

    Dreams involving relationships can be interpreted in many ways, depending on the context of the dream. They may symbolize a desire for more intimacy or closeness with someone, as well as feelings of love and affection toward that person.

    When we dream about relationships, they can be interpreted in different ways. The most common type of relationship dream is one that is romantic in nature, where you might find yourself falling in love with a celebrity or someone you know. Other types of relationship dreams can include ones where you are fighting or arguing with a partner, feeling neglected by them, or even dreaming that they have died.

    Although there is no single interpretation for all relationship dreams, there are some general themes that often surface. One example is the fear of abandonment — this could manifest itself in a dream as being left alone at the altar or watching your partner walk away from you. Alternatively, it could represent feelings of neglect or not being valued in the relationship. Dreams about losing a partner can also be interpreted as a fear of death or separation.

    While these are just some examples, it’s important to remember that relationship dreams can be different for everyone and the meaning might not always be clear. If you have a dream about relationships that’s been bothering you, try to think about what might be going on in your life that could be causing those feelings. It could also be helpful to talk to someone about them, such as a therapist or trusted friend.


    Money is often seen as a symbol of success, but it can also represent power and control over one’s life. It might indicate that you’re feeling confident in your career path or finances right now!

    Money dreams are a very common type of dream. They can occur during any stage of life, and they often reflect our feelings about money and wealth. Dreams about money can be interpreted in many ways, but some of the most common meanings include:

  • Having too much or not enough money: This dream may represent your feelings about your current financial situation. It could suggest that you feel overwhelmed by your finances or that you need to take more control over your spending. Alternatively, this dream could signify that you are not satisfied with how much money you have.
  • Making or losing money in a gambling game: Gambling dreams often symbolize taking risks in real life. If you are risking something important in your dream, it may indicate that you have a tendency to take risks with your finances. If you are winning money, it may mean that something good will happen to your finances soon.
  • Finding or losing money: Finding money in a dream is usually interpreted as being lucky or finding success in real life. Losing money can be interpreted differently depending on the context of the dream and whether or not you feel distressed about losing it. This type of dream could also represent how much control you have over your spending habits (or someone else’s). For example, if someone steals from you without permission then this could symbolize a lack of self-control when shopping for things like clothes, food, etc.
  • Winning the lottery: This dream usually represents your desire for wealth or success, but it can also mean that you are having trouble managing your finances. If this is a recurring dream, it might be time to seek professional help with money management issues such as budgeting and spending habits.
  • If someone steals from you without permission then this could symbolize a lack of self-control when shopping for things like clothes etc… It might also indicate that they feel overwhelmed by their current financial situation (if they are spending too much money).
  • If someone loses the wallet it could mean that you’re feeling insecure about your finances or that someone else is taking advantage of you financially.
  • Giving away money: This dream reflects how generous and giving person are in real life. It may also show us what we value most when making decisions about our relationships with others (i.e., if we give freely to friends but not family members). The dreamer’s perspective on generosity will determine whether this type of dream means anything positive or negative for them personally. Giving away money can be interpreted differently depending on its context within a particular situation; however, some common interpretations include:
  • Someone who gives away their own work without asking permission may indicate that they feel undervalued by their employer and want to be recognized more.

    Someone giving away work without asking permission could also mean it was done intentionally as a form of revenge against someone else (i.e., “I’m going to show you what happens when you steal from me!”).


    Food can signify a desire for nourishment or comfort. It might represent your need to feel loved and cared for by someone else. This dream symbol may also indicate that you are hungry in some way — physically, emotionally, mentally… Who knows? Maybe it’s time to eat something!

    While there isn’t a definitive answer to what these food dreams mean, there are some common interpretations that can be applied. Here are some examples of food dreams and their meanings:

  • Eating in a restaurant: This generally signifies abundance and pleasure in life. It could also suggest that you’re taking on too many responsibilities and need to lighten your load.
  • Cooking or baking: This is often interpreted as an act of creation, either in the dreamer’s personal life or within their professional sphere. It may also suggest that the dreamer is feeling overwhelmed.
  • Food poisoning: This is usually considered a negative omen, symbolizing bad luck or ill health.
  • Eating with a stranger: This could indicate that you’re feeling vulnerable or unsure of something in your life. It may also suggest that there are some unknowns within yourself, such as unacknowledged desires or emotions, and you need to embrace them in order to move forward.
  • So what do your food dreams mean? There’s no one answer, but these are a few of the most common interpretations. Dreams about food can be fun, insightful, and sometimes even prophetic.

    Some other food dream examples include:

  • Finding a pearl inside an oyster: This is traditionally seen as a sign of good luck.
  • A chocolate bar that turns into snakes: This could symbolize repressed desires or anxieties.
  • Eating rotten fruit: This may suggest that there are some negative aspects of the dreamer’s life that they need to confront.
  • Carrots that are wilting: This could symbolize a lack of nourishment or sustenance in the dreamer’s life.
  • A cake that is infested with bugs: This may represent something going wrong in the dreamer’s personal life or relationships.
  • Having to eat disgusting food: This could be a sign that the dreamer is feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
  • Sex

    Having sex in dreams often symbolizes the urge for pleasure and intimacy with another person. It might be interpreted as an exploration of one’s sexual desires or fantasies ー perhaps even those which remain unfulfilled due to societal norms or taboos surrounding sexuality in our society today (e.g., homosexuality). The dream could also represent feelings of shame around these desires/fantasies. Or, who knows? Maybe it’s just past time to shag.

    Losing teeth

    Dreaming of losing your teeth can be an unsettling experience. It might symbolize fear, insecurity, or a loss of power in some area of your life.

    We all lose teeth at some point in our lives. For most people, it’s a completely natural process that happens as we age. However, for some people, tooth loss can be the result of an accident or illness. No matter how your teeth were lost, it is normal to experience anxiety and fear after the event. Losing your teeth can make you feel self-conscious and embarrassed about your appearance. It can also make you feel like you have lost an important part of yourself. Dreams about teeth are common after tooth loss and they can offer insight into how you are feeling about the experience.

    What do dreams about teeth mean? There is no one answer to this question because every dream is unique. However, there are some common themes that can be found in teeth dreams. Teeth dreams often represent power, strength, and dominance. They can also symbolize the fear of losing something important. If you lose your teeth in a dream, it may mean that you are feeling vulnerable or insecure about something in your life. Alternatively, it could suggest that you are struggling to find your place in the world.

    This type of dream is usually a warning from your subconscious mind that you need to take action and protect yourself against potential threats. It may also be a sign that you need to start standing up for yourself and asserting yourself more forcefully in situations where you feel powerless. If you are experiencing tooth loss in real life, dreaming about teeth can be a way of processing those feelings and working through the emotions that come with it.

    Common teeth dream examples:

  • Dreaming about pulling out your own teeth. This type of dream usually symbolizes the fear of losing control or power over a situation. It could also suggest that you are feeling helpless or vulnerable in some way.
  • Dreaming about rotten or decaying teeth. A rotting tooth can represent something that is decaying or deteriorating in your life. The dream may be a warning from your subconscious mind to address the problem before it gets worse. -Dreaming about losing a tooth in an accident-This type of dream often reflects fears about our own mortality and the fragility of life. It could also suggest that you are worried about being unable to take care of yourself or your family in the future.
  • Dreaming about having teeth fall out without pain. This type of dream often represents anxieties about growing old and losing control over our bodies as we age. It could also suggest that you are worried about not being able to take care of yourself in the future.
  • In summary, teeth dreams can be a way for your subconscious mind to process feelings and emotions related to tooth loss or other dental issues that have happened recently in real life. They are usually a warning sign from within ourselves alerting us that something needs attention before it gets worse! Dreaming about pulling out one’s own teeth is common after experiencing tooth loss due to an accident, illness, or another traumatic event such as war. Dreaming about having teeth fall out without pain may reflect fears related to aging and losing control over our bodies as we get older.

    Dreaming about rotting or decaying teeth is common among people who have had recent dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, tooth decay, etcetera. The dream may also suggest that there’s something in your life that needs addressing before it gets worse; for example, a relationship with someone close to you might be deteriorating due to neglect from either party (e.g., one not spending enough time together). Dreamers should look at what could potentially be causing these issues so they can address them appropriately!

    Being Chased

    Dreams involving the sensation of being chased may reflect our desire for freedom from something that’s holding us back. They could also indicate feelings like anxiety and stress in waking life, as well as fears about being caught doing something wrong!

    When you dream about being chased, it usually means that there is something in your life that you are running away from or avoiding. You may feel like you are in danger and need to escape quickly. The dream may be a way of warning you about a problem or situation that is causing you stress. Alternatively, the dream could be prompting you to take action and confront the issue head-on. If you are avoiding an important decision or conflict, for example, this may be your subconscious trying to tell you that it’s time to face up to it.

    Other possible meanings of dreaming about being chased include feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities or feeling unsupported by others. If this is the case, the dream may be urging you to take steps towards addressing these issues, such as asking for help or taking some time out. When you dream about being chased, it’s important to be aware of how the dream made you feel and what happened in the end. For example, did you manage to escape? If so, this could suggest that there is a solution to your problem that is within reach if only you look hard enough? Or maybe you couldn’t escape…this could suggest that the problem is too difficult to overcome. The key thing is to try and identify what you were running away from in the dream and then think about whether there is any real-life situation or person who may be causing similar feelings. If so, it could be worth taking steps towards resolving this issue as soon as possible.

    Some common examples of dreams about being chased include:

    • Being chased by a wild animal or monster
    • Being chased by someone you don’t know
    • Running away from danger or a fire
    • Escaping from prison or a dangerous situation
    • Fleeing an impending natural disaster

    All of these dreams can be interpreted in the same way — as your subconscious trying to tell you that there is something in your life that you need to face up to and deal with. However, it’s important to remember that every dream is unique and should be always first and foremost analyzed in the context of your own personal life and daily contexts.

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    About the Creator

    Carla Paton

    Writer, Poet, Rancher, Ph.D. ABD, MA, MASCIS

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    Comments (4)

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    • Mariann Carroll2 years ago

      Dogs are actually symbolize as your foe in life. I tested this dream many time. If they bite, they were able to penetrate your defense

    • Mariann Carroll2 years ago

      Great read, for me dreaming is God way of communicating to us if we are not aware of him speaking to us daily.

    • I often read up online about my dreams. I love to see what meaning each one holds. So I enjoyed reading this very much

    • Excellent and informative

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