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The Role of Shared Dreams in Relationships

Exploring the Psychological Benefits and Strategies for Fostering Shared Dreaming in Relationships

By Terrell GreenwoodPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Role of Shared Dreams in Relationships
Photo by Jake Weirick on Unsplash

Relationships are complex, and there are numerous factors that contribute to their success or failure. One important element that has received increasing attention in recent years is shared dreaming. Shared dreaming refers to the phenomenon of two or more people experiencing the same dream at the same time. While it may seem like a trivial or even mystical occurrence, shared dreaming can play a significant role in strengthening relationships.

At its core, shared dreaming is about connection. It is a way for partners to share a unique experience that is intimate and personal. Unlike other shared experiences, such as watching a movie or going on a vacation together, dreams are entirely subjective and unique to each individual. When two people share a dream, they are entering each other's inner worlds and gaining a glimpse into each other's minds. This can create a powerful sense of closeness and empathy.

Shared dreaming also has the potential to foster communication and understanding in a relationship. Dreams are often a reflection of our subconscious, and they can reveal our deepest fears, desires, and emotions. When partners share their dreams with each other, they are opening up a window into their inner selves, which can facilitate deeper conversations and greater emotional intimacy. Moreover, because dreams are often symbolic, they can be interpreted in different ways, allowing partners to explore different perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of each other's thoughts and feelings.

In addition to its psychological benefits, shared dreaming can also be a fun and enjoyable experience. Dreaming together can be a source of excitement and adventure, and it can add an element of playfulness and spontaneity to a relationship. It can also be a way for partners to escape the mundane realities of everyday life and explore fantastical worlds and experiences together.

Despite its many benefits, shared dreaming is still a relatively underexplored phenomenon, and there is much that we still don't understand about it. However, there are some tips and strategies that couples can use to increase the likelihood of experiencing shared dreams. These include:

1. Setting an intention: Before going to bed, couples can set an intention to have a shared dream. This can be done by discussing a specific topic or scenario that they would like to dream about together. By focusing their minds on a shared goal, couples can increase the likelihood of having a shared dream.

2. Sleeping in the same bed: Sharing a bed is not only a romantic gesture but can also increase the likelihood of having a shared dream. When partners sleep in close proximity to each other, they are more likely to sync up their brainwaves and experience similar dream states.

3. Keeping a dream journal: Keeping a dream journal is an effective way to remember dreams and can also facilitate the process of sharing dreams with a partner. Couples can read each other's dream journals and discuss their dreams together, which can help to create a shared dream experience.

4. Practicing lucid dreaming: Lucid dreaming is the ability to control and manipulate one's dreams consciously. Couples can practice lucid dreaming together, which can increase the likelihood of having a shared dream. By learning to control their dreams, couples can create scenarios and experiences that they can both participate in.

In conclusion, shared dreaming is an often-overlooked aspect of relationships that can have numerous benefits. By entering each other's inner worlds and sharing intimate experiences, couples can deepen their connections and foster greater empathy and understanding. While shared dreaming is not something that can be forced or guaranteed, couples can use strategies such as setting an intention, sleeping in the same bed, keeping a dream journal, and practicing lucid dreaming to increase the likelihood of having a shared dream. Ultimately, shared dreaming is just one tool in the vast toolbox of relationship building, but it is one that is certainly worth exploring.


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