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The Broken Mirror

Telling a Psychological Short Story

By Mr AsrafulPublished 7 months ago 4 min read

**The Broken Mirror**

Lucy had always been a perfectionist. Every aspect of her life had to be immaculate, and she held herself to impossibly high standards. It was her reflection in the mirror that obsessed her the most. She spent hours each day scrutinizing her appearance, fixing the tiniest flaws, and seeking an elusive state of beauty.

Her mornings began with a ritual that could not be disrupted. As the first rays of the sun streamed into her bedroom, she would slip out of her ivory silk sheets and glide across the room to stand before the full-length mirror. Her pale blue eyes, framed by thick lashes, would fixate on every detail of her reflection. She'd meticulously apply makeup, comb her long chestnut hair until each strand fell perfectly into place, and dress herself in outfits that could only be described as impeccable.

One day, while examining herself in her bedroom mirror, she noticed a tiny crack in the glass. It was almost imperceptible, a mere hairline fracture that only the most discerning eye would detect. But it sent shivers down her spine, a disturbance in her otherwise pristine world.

For weeks, she couldn't stop thinking about that crack. It was as if a splinter had lodged itself in her mind. Her obsession with perfection reached a new level, an obsession that now extended to the mirror itself. The crack haunted her, a constant reminder of imperfection in a life she had carefully curated to be flawless.

As the days passed, Lucy's obsession with the crack deepened. She began to see it as a reflection of her own imperfections, a symbol of her inability to attain the perfection she so desperately desired. The crack grew in her mind, becoming a monstrous flaw that overshadowed everything else in her life. She neglected her work, her friends, and even her own well-being, all to fixate on the crack that marred her reflection.

One evening, after another intense bout of mirror-gazing, Lucy decided she couldn't bear it any longer. She needed to fix the crack, to rid herself of this imperfection. She reached for a hammer and, with a single swift blow, shattered the mirror into a thousand pieces. As the glass shattered, she felt a strange sense of relief, as if she had cast off a heavy burden.

But when the shards settled, she saw her reflection once more—only this time, it was broken, fragmented, and distorted. The pieces of the shattered mirror revealed a fractured version of herself, a stark contrast to the perfection she had longed for. She saw her eyes, multiplied a hundred times, each gaze distorted and painful. She saw her lips, parted in a silent scream, her hair wild and untamed, her skin marred by the cracks and sharp edges of the shattered glass.

The realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Lucy had sacrificed her own sanity and self-acceptance in pursuit of an unattainable ideal. The shattering of the mirror was a metaphor for her shattered self-image. She finally understood that perfection was an illusion, and the pursuit of it had cost her dearly.

Lucy knew that it was time to pick up the pieces, not of the mirror, but of her own fractured self. She sought help to heal her damaged self-esteem and her obsession with perfection. Over time, she learned to appreciate her imperfections and accept herself for who she was, flaws and all. The process was slow and painful, but with each piece she gathered, she came closer to rebuilding her sense of self.

Her journey to recovery was marked by therapy sessions, self-reflection, and a newfound appreciation for authenticity. She connected with support groups, where she met others who had faced similar struggles with perfectionism and self-image. The collective understanding and empathy of these groups helped her heal.

As she mended her emotional wounds, she also began to work on her relationships. She had distanced herself from friends and family during her relentless pursuit of perfection, but now, she sought to rebuild those bonds. Apologies were made, conversations were had, and forgiveness was extended. Lucy began to recognize that her loved ones were far more interested in her well-being and happiness than in her appearance or perceived flaws.

Over time, Lucy's once fractured reflection in the mirror transformed into something more beautiful than any image of superficial perfection she had ever chased. It became a symbol of resilience, self-acceptance, and the strength that could be found in vulnerability. She had learned that it was okay to have flaws and that seeking perfection was a never-ending, soul-crushing endeavor.

She also realized that the broken mirror had given her a unique perspective on life. The world itself was fractured and imperfect, and she now saw its beauty in the asymmetry and the irregularities, in the differences that made each person unique. Her perception of beauty had shifted from external appearances to the character, kindness, and authenticity of the people she encountered.

Lucy's story became one of hope and transformation. She had traveled a treacherous path, but it had led her to a place of self-acceptance and a deep appreciation for the imperfections that make life so rich and meaningful. She had discovered that the most beautiful things in life were often hidden within the cracks and crevices of our imperfect world


About the Creator

Mr Asraful

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