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The best life for the rest of my life

Clean circle, regular life, favorite people

By Alani MaddoxPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Someone knows you cold and warm, someone with you for the rest of your life.

Zhou Guoping said, "Happiness is not to live like others, but to be able to follow your own heart."

In this life, people can live into many kinds of appearance.

Once upon a time, I dreamed of traveling all over the world and enjoying the pleasures of the world.

It takes half a life to realize that the best life for the rest of your life is:

Clean circles, regular life, nice people.


A clean circle

Have you ever had a moment in the past when:

You talk over drinks, but when you get home, you're slumped on the couch feeling empty.

You're feeling down. You've searched your address book and haven't found anyone you can talk to.

When you are in trouble, you ask for help, but there are very few people who really want to help.

People live, is always inseparable from the "circle" two words.

Before blindly expand the circle, every bureau will attend, meet the peer bigwigs must add wechat.

It wasn't until the complexity of our relationships began to consume us that we finally realized:

The bigger the circle, the more complicated the heart. The circle is small, but clean.

Mr. Leung's circle has always been small.

Every time someone asked them out after shooting, he never got involved.

Even after repeated invitations, he would be a disappointment: "No, you play, I go home."

We always think he is very cold, in fact, he left the warmth to two or three friends.

As he said, "Friends should be simplified."

The more simple circle, the more do not bother to operate; The cleaner the circle, in the critical moment, the more help.

A true friend is never "how much", but "good".

People in this life, in fact, there is no need to bring too many people into life.

Make it a habit to clean out your circle regularly from now on.

Add wechat no longer contact people, decisive delete; Meaningless group chat, quit immediately.

There is no need to go again to feigned socials; Meaningless wine table. Push it if you can.

As the saying goes: life, if you want to make yourself comfortable, you have to live in the people who understand you.

For the rest of your life, may everything you look at be your favorite.


A regular life

Mo Yan has an interesting explanation for the word "I" :

"I" word if lost a prime, is "find" word.

What exactly is that prime?

Businessmen say money, politicians say power, stars say fame, soldiers say honor, students say......

In the end, life has taught me that it is health.

The rest of the life is not long, the highest display of wealth is not wealth, but health.

A few days ago, I saw the Douban netizen @Li XiaoTiezhu share "Brain Terrier diary".

From the emergency room out, get the report of that moment, the doctor shook his head in the side: "how young,......"

After seeing the whole process of Xiao Li's illness, I knew that the crisis had already been lurking in her daily life.

Xiao Li's taste is heavy since childhood, love to eat meat, and her parents cook too much oil and salt, such eating habits lead to her high cholesterol.

She often stayed up late and had an irregular schedule that made her depressed and lethargic during the day.

Fortunately, when Xiao Li finally fainted, he was in the hospital for examination.

In his diary, Xiao Li wrote this sentence:

"Love yourself, life is precious, don't be in a hurry to squander it when you are young."

The first half of life, the biggest illusion, is always thought that young is capital.

To the body full red light, just know that people in this life, the most should not overdraft is health.

Often envy those energetic people, do what are full of energy, the life more live more rich.

If you think about it, all the energy and courage comes from a regular life.

Author Yitaro Matsuura wrote in his book Integrity:

"I go to bed around 10 o 'clock every night, I wake up at 5 o 'clock in the morning, I exercise every other day, I walk a brisk 10 kilometers, and I go to work at 8 o 'clock."

Regular life not only brings him a strong body, but also enables him to quickly adjust his mentality and start again when he falls into a slump.

Life is like this, go to bed early, get up early, raise enough spirit, there is no obstacle is not to pass.

In the coming days, please remember to return to the details of life and take care of yourself.

Nothing to sleep early, free exercise, have a good meal, work and rest.

Change all the bad habits and stay away from all the unhealthy things.

When you are gentle with yourself, life is bright and everything is lovely.


Favorite person

There is a sentence in the novel Grace of the Hedgehog:

"We are all lonely hedgehogs. Only those who share the same frequency can see each other's inner grace."

Walk with the person you love, at the same frequency, in the same step, singing and laughing along the way.

Recently hit play "small give up" in, South Li and Xia Junshan this couple, let everybody envy unceasingly.

Compared with Yan Peng to wife Tian Yulan sweet words, Xia Junshan more with actual action to support wife Nan Li.

The first family party, South couple and father bread quarrel home, Xia Junshan let her vent anger first, then chat to help her untie the knot, finally also don't forget to turn bend kua wife.

Later, Nan Li mother accidentally fell to hurt the waist, Nan Li daytime work often can't pull away.

Xia Junshan took the initiative to pick up the children without a second word, and also took time to come back to help take care of his mother-in-law during work.

In the evening, when the children were asleep, he naturally took over the laundry basin in his wife's hands and washed clothes while doing psychological counseling for his wife.

During that time, Xia Junshan was responsible for helping children with their homework, because the child's education was so anxious that he lost his temper.

Late at night, Xia Junshan sat in the living room, anxious and self-critical.

At this time, South couple comfort him in turn.

The understanding between husband and wife and mutual aid, cured native family to bring harm to South couple finally.

People in this life, if you can have the right person accompanied by, is the greatest luck.

Some share wine with you, others accuse you of being late. Someone knows you cold and warm, someone with you for the rest of your life.

Others will only appreciate your good, but he not only understand the pain in your heart, but also can accept your mess.

Long life, if you are lucky enough to meet the same frequency with you that the right person, must cherish.

Could not agree more with a sentence:

"The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything."

As long as the heart of business, pleasant and beautiful life, you and I can obtain.

For the rest of your life, live a good life, slowly meet, do not owe others, do not live up to yourself.


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