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Soul Alignment


By QsyahyaPublished about a year ago 4 min read
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The supreme intelligence, the absolute, or the Godhead, which I refer to as the divine, is a materialization of everything on Earth, including every species of plant and animal, each person, flower, seed, and cell.

Its conduit and singular manifestation is our soul. Like an acorn transforms into an oak and a caterpillar into a butterfly, it strives for full expression. Each of us is an incarnation of God. What is our soul's desire?

It urges us to be real in our lives. Even ancient yogis were aware that we cannot access our power until we awaken to our true Selves. We must differentiate "I" from others, get rid of everything we are not, and free our true selves from codependency. When we fail to live our values and truth, we suffer.

We illuminate our true selves when we do. We unleash our potential and power, bringing harmony to our minds, lives, and relationships. Our dissatisfaction begs us to change.

However, far too frequently, we resist the challenges that must be met and instead try to change someone else or deny our longings with justifications. We suffer because we have lost touch with our true selves.

We no longer require approval, persuasion, or change from anyone when we align our soul and authentic self. We acquire the resolve and bravery to bring about our goals. Even though our codependent "false self" and external influences conceal our latent potential, the kernel of that "I" is present in infancy.

When we discover who we are, we gain power, freedom, and the will to express ourselves more fully. This is easy, but it's hard for those of us who have abandoned ourselves because of past trauma and conditioning.

We adopted a persona, beliefs, and routines that further separated us from our true nature to survive. We will never find what our soul begs us to return to in a relationship or at work unless they support our true selves and allow our souls to express themselves. Recovery from codependency is a process of bringing one's soul into harmony; it requires change.

How will we go about this journey?

We need to spend time with ourselves without being distracted and in enough silence to feel and listen. Our perceptions become sharper as our awareness and perspective grow. Our mind and body become imbued with spiritual energy as we spend more time in meditation and contemplation, making it possible for us to hear the guidance and wisdom of our souls from within.

We recover our "Lost Self" during recovery. We foster a feeling of inward knowing and cherishing course, not the unforgiving or questioning voice of an internal pundit. We need to pay attention and also respect the still voice that directs us.

We naturally gravitate toward the things that make us happy and avoid the things that make us feel bad when we are more aware of our feelings, our day and night dreams, and our intuitions. Although most of us have lost touch with our instincts and natural selves, these impulses are innate for infants.

Thinking more with our heart than our mind is essential to living authentically. However, the advice to "Follow your heart" can be difficult to follow because our neediness, shame, and fear may obscure our soul's guidance.

While our hearts might want us to stay in an abusive relationship, our souls would never want us to be hurt or taken advantage of. Clinging to our damaged parts makes it easy for us to get lost. It's possible that we don't trust our soul's guidance or hear it. Past programming, doubts about our worth, dependence, a lack of courage to speak up, take a stand, or fear of change may obscure them.

We each should track down our direction, figuring out how to respect, express, and love our actual Selves. We can find out who we are, and what we believe, feel, need, want, and value every day.

Indeed, we can affirm our authentic selves at every moment. Instead of judging yourself when you don't meet your needs or act in line with your values and wants, welcome this awareness with curiosity.

What causes you to act in a way that goes against what you need and want? Clarity and the potential for better choices in the future come from self-examination. Develop compassion for the parts of yourself that continue to struggle and require self-love instead of attacking yourself, such as when you say yes when you want to say no or eat a dessert when you're trying to lose weight.

Listen to the Self-Love Meditation to increase compassion and self-love. Working with someone who does when we don't believe in ourselves or that change is possible can clear the fog and open up real possibilities.

A specialist or mentor can hold a dream representing things to come to you before you can see it and can uphold you in the progressions your spirit is longing for. To begin living a life that is centered on your soul, mentor yourself by engaging in the Soul-Alignment Meditation.


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