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Sensitive Dude: The Perfect Climate

For HSP's, not all weather is created equal.

By Sensitive DudePublished 5 years ago 5 min read
Lake Crescent, Washington State

Sensory-Processing Sensitivity is a big deal to those living with it (15-20 percent of the population). I have SPS, so my pen name is Sensitive Dude. If you're a highly sensitive person (HSP) or simply want to learn more about SPS, then I'm writing this just for you. PS—I occasionally cuss, sorry. Now, let's do this.

I've Been Everywhere, Kinda

I'm from North America. I've lived in the frigid north. In the sweltering south. In the hot, dry oven that is the west. Not months, mind you. I've clocked years at each location. I'm currently 46.

These regions don't have unpleasant weather all year long. I'm not saying that, so don't get your panties in a twist. What I've noticed, however, is that weather can be great for my Sensory-Processing Sensitivity, or completely f*ck with it.

Does weather matter as much to you as it does me? Would you consider moving in order to enjoy consistently better weather? This is an important topic, because even non-sensitive people do move for that very reason, all the time. If you're highly sensitive or someone in your life is, then making the right choice about what climate to live in is even more relevant. It can make the difference between experiencing daily bliss or daily hell. Gather around, ladies. Grab a cup of tea, make yourself comfortable, and let's chat about the weather.


Most people adore sunny days. From a sensitive person's perspective though, direct sunlight is the devil. It's way,way too bright. Don't know about you, but it gives me an instant headache. My eyes feel like they're being continually jabbed with a stick. Then the muscles in my face hurt from the prolonged, severe squinting.

On the other hand, indirect sunlight is so pleasant I can almost imagine what it feels like to be a non-sensitive person. Indirect sunlight is what you get when there's cloud cover, or the sun is just over the horizon. In such lighting, I can actually see... without scrunching my face up like a nerd who lost his glasses or just got hit in the nads.


Of course I don't know what temperatures you, specifically, experience. However, I've been outside in -20 something degrees Fahrenheit. I've been in 119 Fahrenheit. I've been in dry heat and dry cold. I've also been in humid weather at almost 100 degrees. So, I'm on the same page as most of you. I very likely understand your local temperature range. For ya'll who live in Death Valley, Minnesota, or Alaska... I don't know what your extreme temperatures feel like. And my condolences to you.Temperature is hard to combat, and it's expensive to do so. Heating and cooling costs are ouchy. Also, as much as you try, it's not like you can 'visit' temperature and be done. Depending on your circumstances, most people have to be in it and function in it. You've got things to do, you know. Life doesn't stop.Temperature can kick almost anyone's ass, and has, at one time or another.

I'm just gonna throw this out there. The range of 40-65 degrees Fahrenheit gets my vote. It feels the best, and is the most convenient for everyday living. I do not want to be stuck in a building or vehicle in order to avoid freezing or dying of heat stroke. I've been in the cold and heat. Paid my dues. Don't want to any more.My favorite temp is 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I realize that's very specific, and I'm embarrassed to even bring it up. It's probably a macho thing; relating to the way I was raised. It's like... I don't know... having a favorite doily or something. I'm guessing (hoping rather) that I'm not the only highly sensitive dude with a favorite temperature. Right guys? Right?! Whatever. Movin' on...


People blame a lot of things on precipitation. It ruined their plans to lay on the beach. It put spots on their newly washed car. It mussed up their pretty hair. It made the river rise, which then washed away their house. Oh, wait... that last one isn't funny.

Snow is also precipitation. So is hail and freezing rain. Combined, they're responsible for everything from car accidents to power outages.

Precipitation is sort of an asshole.

Yet, while some people view precipitation as a necessary evil, others love it. Where do most highly sensitive people stand on the topic?

I don't know.

I'm just a Sensitive Dude, and all I know is how the world looks from the chair I'm sittin' in. But... I betcha most HSP's are fans of the wet stuff. It makes being in shelter so cozy. It makes a million things better; sweaters, coffee, big plates of breakfast, tin roofs, walking under an umbrella, looking out the window, books...

Most importantly, though; it drops a soft veil over everything. The world isn't so bright, sharp, or boldly colored when the snow is drifting down. Or when it's raining. Or when the drizzling fog is rolling in. Also, the sound of rain (and sometimes even snow) can mask and blend away other unwanted sounds. Nice.


Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Farts in an elevator. Clearly, wind is every bit as dangerous as precipitation.

However, the wind has it's magic.

It can mask unwanted sounds. It can make hot days more bearable, and mild days more exciting. It moves you. It talks to you.

Wind and Sensitive Dude forever. Xoxo

In Conclusion

Identifying the perfect climate for highly sensitive people is subjective, and damn near impossible; so I'm surprised I nailed it first try. Thank you. Really, it was nothing. In lieu of flowers, please mail boxes of eclairs to:

Sensitive Dude, Esq.3.14 Elm Pine Boulevard StreetSmithstownberg, North Missouri

Ok, seriously. Here it goes, the perfect climate:
  • Frequent cloud cover.
  • Rain is common but snow is rare.
  • Winters aren't too cold.
  • Summers aren't too hot.
  • Some wind.

Any place with a climate like that is probably gorgeous and is probably on the coast of Washington State. Hence, the photo for this article. Pack your bags.

Til next time,

- Sensitive Dude


About the Creator

Sensitive Dude

Sensory-Processing Sensitivity is a big deal to those living with it (15-20 percent of the population). I have SPS. If you're a highly sensitive person (HSP) or want to learn more about SPS, then I'm writing for you.

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