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Life After My NDE

The struggles and blessings of a near death experience.

By Mark BacotPublished 5 years ago 2 min read

It was a hot summer day in North Carolina and the family decided to head out to the lake to cool off and enjoy the day. This was a big lake, with very deep waters and I remember that you couldn’t go out very far before it was over your head. I was around the age of 10, and I really wasn’t that great of a swimmer and got frightened anytime someone tried holding me down or pulling on me in the water, so I stayed pretty close to the shoreline. I remember being on the shore when I noticed that my sisters had all gone to the end of the very long pier, or at least to me it seemed a mile out into the dark water. I decided I wanted to go be with them, so I ran down the pier afraid of missing out on anything fun. I remember almost reaching the end where my sisters all older than me had gathered sitting on the edge when I started to slide on the wet pier floor and flew right off the end into the lake.

It all happened so fast. I remember when I hit the water, I instantly went under because of the height and speed I was traveling. I remember coming up once and struggling some before I went back under. I tried to get back to the surface, but I panicked; I now had no air and was choking as my lungs filled up with water. What happened next was amazing. I found myself standing on the floor of the lake, not struggling, not anything; just standing there looking around. I wasn’t afraid or I don’t think I even knew seconds earlier I was struggling at all. I was at pure peace as I watched the plants sway with the current when suddenly off in the distance straight ahead of me was a most glorious beam of light and it was drawing nearer and nearer. I remember how happy I was and the light comforted me and made me glow. The light now was upon me and I was consumed by it when suddenly my eyes opened and I was choking up water and my vision was blurred but I could hear voices. I began to realize I was lying on the sand with my father standing over me and so many other strangers and life guards. How did I get out of the water? Well, it was one of my sisters that was a pretty good swimmer that went down many times to find me. In all actuality I most likely was down on the bottom long, but to me, time stood still. I never spoke about what had happened to me down at the bottom of that lake and to this day some 39 years later I still haven’t told my family. What begins to happen to me in the months ahead would be traumatic and terrifying to anyone especially a young boy. Stay tuned for my next story and find out.


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