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How Can Video Games Affect Your Children?

The mobile phone has become the primary means of entertaining or rewarding children in all homes, and the use of the mobile phone is no longer a specific age, as mothers use the phone to entertain a child who has not reached the age of one year to distract him from crying!

By Macy BrooklynPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How Can Video Games Affect Your Children?
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

The mobile phone has become the primary means of entertaining or rewarding children in all homes, and the use of the mobile phone is no longer a specific age, as mothers use the phone to entertain a child who has not reached the age of one year to distract him from crying!

This method is considered one of the worst ways to distract children or attract their attention because it leads to major problems that parents may not realise.

The dangers of using the phone to children:

Electronic games in general lead to great risks to the health of children, including the wrong use and sitting while using the mobile phone, which leads to the child suffering from early health problems.

Many specialised studies have also proven that electronic games have a significant impact on reducing children’s focus in general and have their full attention with games and their details, which leads to a decline in their concentration and a decrease in their academic achievement.

It is also worth noting that electronic games have become a form of modern addiction because children and young people are highly attached to them and use them for long hours of time.

Electronic games also affect the social and emotional behaviour of the child, making him more lonely and less socially and emotionally interacting with those around him, which leads to a state of introversion in the child that may continue with him for long periods of his life and clearly affect his relationships with those around him.

Certainly, these problems are not the only ones, and perhaps many studies reveal to us greater risks for different electronic games. This is in relation to regular electronic games, so what about the impact of violent games on children?

What can violent electronic games cause to your children

It should be noted that electronic violence games are among the things that can cause many problems for children, especially in terms of moral and behavioural.

Electronic violence games are designed in a way that often does not suit the age of children, in which they behave in an ethical manner and in which bad words are uttered while playing. inside the game.

This type of influence is considered to be the weakest type. The effect has extended to the use of violence by children in their daily lives with each other and against themselves in many cases. It has been common in many news recently that many children and young people attempted suicide because of electronic games .

Electronic games that depend on violence create a state of unconsciousness in the child, adolescent or young person in a world separate from reality and an unreal life, and has had a significant impact on many children and young people in different countries of the world in different ways and methods.

The effect has extended to the point of interfering with belief or forcing children unconsciously to perform some behaviours within the game that may be incompatible with religion and belief, which leads to a significant negative impact on children later, which is what was done in the update of the “Pubg” game a while ago, in which the Forcing the player to prostrate to an idol or something so that they can pass to a higher level of the game.

Many parents may not realise the danger of violent electronic games on the child’s behaviour, and may not realise that their children’s behavior is due to the games that they accept day and night, and their parents allow them to do so to satisfy them or distract them without paying attention to the risks that these games may cause.

Elaborate design to attract children

The companies that produce violent electronic games have specifically recognised the needs of children for entertainment and entertainment, even young people and teens, and these companies have designed these games with very high accuracy so that they can attract children's attention to them in every possible way.

Certainly, the profits of these companies are very large, which prompts them for more updates to get more customers and achieve more profits. For example, the profits of the most famous game, “Pubg” among electronic violence games, amounted to 237 million US dollars in 2021 AD.

This game has brought its creator huge profits, which made him use big stars to update it and provide stronger versions of it to achieve more profits, and to attract more audiences of different ages.

These things were not purely a coincidence, but rather they are intended to create an unconscious and unconscious generation whose thoughts and behaviours can be influenced with ease, which is what should be paid great attention to.

What you can do if your child is addicted to electronic games and violent games

After identifying the most prominent dangers that can be caused by electronic games of violence, we must try to prevent our children from paying attention to them if we have fallen into the trap, and the following steps must be taken to save our children from electronic game addiction:

It will not be easy, so it should not be banned directly from children who are used to it and the hours of use or play should be gradually reduced so that it decreases at a daily rate.

Try to increase the child's motor activities as much as possible and participate in household activities or one of the sports to be able to get rid of the time of using the phone.

Trying to acquire some games for mental activity, such as puzzles and other games that operate the mind and games of jaw and assembly, and the participation of the child in the playing times.

For teenagers and young adults the ideal solution would be to participate in a daily sporting activity, do household chores or participate in a business of their own.

In the event of failure in the home attempts, specialists in psychiatry and social medicine can be sought to protect children or solve their problems caused by electronic violence games.

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Macy Brooklyn

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