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Heaven on Earth

Healing, Knowing One's Self, Inner Child and Re-parenting.

By Merichel SanchezPublished 4 years ago 9 min read
Instagram: @checktheserollsout

This virus is teaching us that not even the human race are permanent. That no matter how much destruction we cause on Mother Gia; she will be here flourishing. Giving re-birth to the plants and creatures that habitats this planet, we call home. The human race is Mother Gia shadow aspect. We are her 'Shadow Self'. Every living thing on this planet has a cycle they are following or on the path of. That includes Earth. - There are things we can't comprehend due to our level of understanding of how the universe works. We are in barking towards a completely different change. Not as individuals but as a whole. -

Taking this time to think about what is truly important to us. What or who brings us to the state of contentment and peaceful the most. Making a choice to chase contentment and peace, as nothing is permanent.

This isn't an invitation to welcome anxiety and doubt into the mix. - The outcome is something nobody will have control over. Although do not let the future outcome take away the peace for today.

I don't think we ever stop learning and having a different perspective/understand of the universe and ourselves. Because we are constantly growing and evolving. Each of our decisions and actions has consequences creating this butterfly effect.

My two cents on healing, spirituality and awakening:

Healing and awakening come hand in hand. Meaning that when we go on the path of healing we are going on the path of knowing one's self. Which is what awakening is. It's stripping, unlearning and letting go of outdated beliefs, behaviours, habits we have adapted through social and family conditioning.

I believe that spirituality is what religion is supposed to be. To be spiritual it's being free because our spirits/soul are free. They are not tied down to the material things that our psychical bodies are attached too. Each of our spirits is going to be different and unique. What makes us, all the same, is the compassion, kindness, love and understanding we give ourselves and others. Knowing that each and one of have our own ingredients when coming to our experiences with life and our practices.

Healing is needed when knowing one's self. We have all felt some sort of pain or hurt in our lives. Some of those wounds are still open and oozing out on people who didn't cause/create it. Those wounds are also hidden in our subconscious. A part of our Psyche we have very limited access too (during our waking consciousness. I think our Subconsciousness communicate through our dreams, as our ego and conscious part is quiet and asleep). We all have projected our pain onto others. We all have a shadow Self. We all have the good and the shadow within. None of those parts of ourself is bad. It's just coming to understand why and how they've become shadows in the first place. This is where shadow work comes into place.

I believe that without shadow work it's denial. Because we are not accepting our whole self. We are not only made out of good things, there is also the 'bad'. Think about the world, there are chaos and destruction around us, so why wouldn't it be within us?

This healing and knowing one's self is a way of accepting those chaotic and destructive traits that have become our Shadow Self.

Trauma Healing:

We have all injured some sort of trauma in our life. Trauma is something each and one of us has gone through. The ingredients might not be the same. It doesn't make it less traumatic to go through. We shouldn't have to measure our traumas with one another. Others are not our competitions. There is no competition in life, healing, evolving, growth. There is just constantly bettering and learning.

There isn't a time on Earth that we are not learning. We are constantly learning. - Although I think it comes hand in hand with our free will if we are absorbing the lessons within our experiences. One way to tell is if we're still going through the same 'hardship'? In this context with healing... Is our mindset improving? Because once we improve the state of within, we notice the bigger picture. Our perception changes. The way we perceive things doesn't cost much harm or distress as it uses too. - That's when we know we're growing.

Trauma isn't just having gone through the war or a car accident or abused. It is all not having your emotional needs met growing up, forming unhealthy attachments. - Any human needs to have their emotional needs met as well as practical and material. I believe that we do go without certain needs growing up or the beginning of lives, so we learn for ourselves to find that within us. Which then contributes to our growth, strength, self resilence.

Where does our Trauma go?

Trauma imprints in our body/nervous system; till we are ready to consciously heal it. Everybody has his or her definition of trauma. Just because something might not be traumatic for you it doesn't mean it isn't for someone else. The impact trauma has on a person is huge. Just because it happened years ago doesn't mean a person has healed from it. It's common to have a delayed reaction due to our brain protecting us (survival mode). Our brain represses traumatic events for survival reason. Childhood is where we build our foundation and blueprints to go out in the world. We might not realise that we are reacting through the lenses of our past unresolved trauma in our present and current situations.

When healing we have to come to term that it is not an overnight work. It takes time, patience and F.E.C.K (Forgiveness, Empathy, Compassion, Kindness). When healing trauma we have to heal our mindset first. It's all about our perspective.

During this process of unpacking our trauma, we have to realise that we have had a way of thinking. Which has been affected due to our trauma? I feel as that gets rid of the idea or narrative we tell ourselves that we're 'broken' and there is 'something wrong with us'. - No there is nothing wrong with us. It's just the way our body and mind has process an event/experience that had a huge impact on us.

Changing and reconstructing our way of thinking and how we perceive the world is going to take time, effort and patience. At the beginning of putting in strategies into stopping our (example) negative self-talk can be draining. By that I mean it's going to take more energy to do because it's new to us, it's a new habit we are learning.

Inner Child:

We were all children once. We all had needs that weren't met. That doesn't mean we don't appreciate our parents' support. We have an inner child within us that needs attending too. Grief might appear when re-parenting ourselves. That's normal and perfectly okay. - Feel grief. Cry it out, journal it out, however you want. From my experience with grief, it doesn't go away overnight. It comes here and there. And each time it comes it gets less heavy. I know a time will come that it won't feel like a burden anymore.

Our creative spark comes from our inner child. Our imaginations and connection with the Divine are very strong at a young age. When we think about it young children are more in tune with their psychic abilities and as they grow they get exposed to their environments conditioning, dimming those abilities.

Let go of the idea that people around us have to be in a specific way just because we are our own way. Life would be sh*t boring if everyone was the same. - This is where accepting our flaws within ourselves helps us accept others' differences. Because we realise we are all from the tree although different leaves with different shapes, shades, colours and patterns.


Re-parenting ourselves does not mean we resent our parents. They've unconsciously programmed us with their programming. We have to forgive them and show compassion. We can't undo the past. We know better now. Getting rid of the label parents when re-parenting. We have to look at our parents as human beings. Realising that we weren't in their lives half of theirs. They have their own story, life, trauma and experiences, as they're own person. Something we're not aware of when we are younger. - let go of judgements, shaming, blaming (tools to use to oppress) with re-parenting ourselves. They are not helpful for yourself and the relationship with our parents. Even the way we construct our beliefs on being a parent (in the future).

As we re-parent ourselves during this healing process. There will be emotions that come up. The emotions that we suppressed as children due to survival instincts. These emotions could be resentment, disappointment, anger or hurt. When these emotions come up we have to have a safe space to express and sit with them. This is when we take our light of Forgiveness, Empathy, Compassion and Kindness when we are sitting with our emotions. Realise that our parents too have their stories. Giving them and ourselves the F.E.C.K for the times and parts they have projected their own hurt too.

((This is different in the context of abuse. Abuse is a deliberate action that is repeated over time.))

What cards we are handed to as children isn't a reflection of who we are and who we are going to be in the future. The conditioning of the environment where we made our blueprints were not in our control. The empowering and awesome thing is that as an adult we can re-construct it. Change the way we move into the world, through healing our past wounds.

The combination of healing and spirituality needs to be balanced for each of the individual's flow. Not everyone will have or need the same type of tools for healing. Spirituality is going with your OWN flow. - Hence there is no competition. Nobody is ahead or behind. Everyone is at their own speed.

For me, spirituality is based on the foundation of Love, Light, Shadow, Enlightenment and Freedom. - We all have one common goal in the world. To leave at peace. I believe it's doable. We cannot change what is going on in the world before we look within.

Nobody was born here by accident. Each and one of us has a purpose. Usually, our purpose is something we naturally gravitate to. If we look at how many details there is on a single leaf or an insect. What makes you think that we are just here randomly. Out of all the details in the universe that could be put in our positions, we are here. We are one of the billion living beings in this period of time. - I just feel as nothing is by accident.

---- Be Kinder, Less Critical.


About the Creator

Merichel Sanchez

Ascending and Evolving

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