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Grateful that life has honed me

Grateful that life has honed me

By Alexander MillerPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Grateful that life has honed me
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The perception of life is like the debate among experts in the stock market about shorting and longing, which is always uncertain and endless. I remember that when I was studying, I fought with my classmates to argue about the beauty and ugliness of the group.

Now that I am an adult, I can feel that my thoughts are still stuck in the same place and have not kept pace with the times! In all stages of life, no matter the good or the bad, the essence of the thought cannot be changed! I always divide the good and the evil in life too much. Qing, I firmly oppose things that violate the principle. That's how I suffered a lot. My friends said that I didn't know enough about life and was mature enough. I shook my head and smiled and said I was immature!

Do I have little experience in life? I have also experienced the ups and downs of life, and I can endure loneliness. During these years, I silently watched all the good and bad things that happened around me! I also played the leading role on the stage of life! Have you ever thought about the matter of reconciling and muddying the mud, you still can't change your mind!

In the journey of life, the worst situation is often not poverty or bad luck, but a state of unconsciousness and exhaustion in spirit and mood: everything that has touched you can no longer move you, and everything that has attracted you can no longer be attracted. You, even everything that has irritated you can no longer irritate you. At this time, people need to find another piece of scenery.

I think today's young people just need to suffer more setbacks, suffer more, suffer more blows so that we can grow from life slowly. A year and a half of work have brought me too much experience. Although I am also a young man who has just entered society, I will remind myself every moment that this society cannot adapt to us, we only have To adapt to this society, adapt to the society is so realistic, so terrible. However, under the premise, we need to have a good attitude. The mentality is the most important thing. Just like the last time I went to the hospital to see acne on my face, the doctor said something, little girl, so much acne on your face proves you are young, but you also have to put your mind on it. Happy and unhappy are living everyday life, so why should we be unhappy? Yes, it does, why don't we have fun? If the mentality is right, our world will be brighter. "There is not much difference between people, the real difference lies in the mentality, "Either you go to control life, or life controls you. Your mindset determines who is the mount and who is the jockey. "When faced with psychological slumps, some people compromised with reality and gave up their ideals and pursuits; some people did not bow their heads and admit defeat, they kept examining their lives, analyzing their mistakes, facing them bravely, and walking out. Difficulties, continue to pursue your dreams. Although we can't control what happens to us, we can control our mentality; we can't change others, but we can change ourselves; we can't change what has happened, but we can adjust our mentality There is no difficulty in the mind, and the road is clear when you have sincerity. The correct mentality can make your life calmer and more comfortable. Of course, the mentality is adjusted by yourself. As long as you are willing, you can give yourself a correct mentality. The mentality is The true master of people. Changing your mentality is changing your life. What kind of mentality you have, you will have what kind of life. If you want to change your life, the first step is to change your mentality. As long as the mentality is correct, Our world will be brighter too.

At work, we can learn a lot of knowledge, so that we can better grasp every day, but we will also encounter many difficulties at work. In the face of difficulties, I think if you can persist one more time when everyone gives up. Seconds, then, the final victory must belong to you. A firm belief is a driving force for success. A lot of times, success lurches at the last minute. Therefore, in doing anything, we should not give up halfway, no matter how hard the road ahead is, we must persevere, so as not to leave too many regrets in our life. A wonderful life is created in setbacks, setbacks are a person's alchemy stone, and many setbacks are often a good start. As long as you develop yourself according to your talents and constantly surpass the stumbling blocks of your mind, you will not find the sun in your life shining brightly! Therefore, this time our company moved to other places, I decided, I followed. Maybe, this is a good opportunity for me to take advantage of. If you miss it, it's gone! Hold on!

On the road of life, each of us will inevitably face various risks and challenges, and the results will be successful as well as failure. However, the victory of life does not depend on temporary gains and losses, but on who is the final winner. None of us can say whether we have succeeded or failed until we have reached the end of our lives. So we must not be discouraged at any stage of life, but be full of hope! Don't give up on your choices because of pain. The so-called successful people are nothing more than those who have paid more and experienced more hardships than others. You can succeed without giving up your choices because of pain. The Phoenix Nirvana turned into a butterfly, and it is precise because of the intense pain that it has a shocking beauty. A person's success is not accidental, he has come through countless failures and pains, and what others see is only his brilliance and glory today. Only he knew that there were bloodstains pierced by thorns on the passers-by on his way to success.

Thank you for the hard work that life has given me! Thank you for growing with me every day!


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