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Episode 004: Revolution

Are you ready for change? Are you sick of how society currently is? Can you be apart of the revolution?

By David LongprePublished 3 years ago 14 min read

Do you feel it in the air? A tension growing around the world gripped by a virus that promised to take down everything. A virus that according to a CTV News report is ranked fourth in infectiousness compared to 11 other common major diseases well behind the SARs scare. I remember SARs being talked about quite often on TV same with Ebola, which is slightly less infectious than Covid-19. The main difference between then and now? The world did not shut down, so what happened? Why did the world shut down? Well, the answer is quite simple, fear. There has been an ever-growing presence of fear built up in the modern society I would say since the end of the cold war. With a world armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons and the capacity to extinct all life on this planet governments realized that wars would be different going forward. With mutual assured destruction a modern society had to turn inward for a new monster to campaign against. Media companies been all too willing to do an effective job at this creating a so-called culture war where you can no longer stand to even to tolerate people with different opinions. Was it a great Kabul or master plan? No. It was regular human nature, greed, corruption, and other vices that have followed our species for thousands of years. However, these human flaws have worked their way into the very power structures that govern our lives and we as a society are allowing ourselves to be distracted, commoditized and sold for a profit. Our human life is no longer the virtue of our society the dollar is king in this town and it’s causing the greatest tension that is a story as old as time, a story of revolution, and change. We are standing in a moment of history that will define the society for years to come, a fork in the road for humanity. How much more power do we need to give our governments? How much more data do we need to give technology giants which just end up at the governments? How much is your freedom worth for a little security? These are questions worth asking but it saddens me that even asking such questions right now is considered not politically correct, radical and selfish. The media and collective fear of millions have allowed for a situation to arise that should scare every single one of us and that is the rise of a powerful police state. One ruled under public virtues and morals dictated by the ivory elite in their marble palaces of power and hypocrisy.

Since I have been young I have been a person who values coming together and people getting along with one another. I was a lonely kid who was bullied at nauseum and like any young soul it was confusing as I knew I had so much love to give the world. This bullying shaped me into a life of self-inflicted pain and suffering as I felt I was not worthy of better. Well news flash I am and my young ideals of freedom and fighting against the system might be stronger than ever. The only difference now is that there is a lot more at stake within my own personal life, but a great internal struggle still occupies my mind. How to resolve the core of my own values and self identity with those of others who try to get me to conform to their ways when I know my vision for a better society is possible if enough people believe in it. It quite often comes down to fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of trying something new. Fear of Change. When will we realize that governments and the media have been using fear for decades to get you to do and give up anything they want? We are in an awful abusive relationship with our governments who continue to abuse us, use us, tax us, kill us and take away everything from us to give their rich capitalistic pig buddies more money and power all in the name of doing what is right for all.

Do you sense it? The anger deep within yourself? Most of you who listen to this will know what I am talking about. It’s a feeling of knowing that something is so wrong about the current situation that we are in but we are not quite sure what it is. So media try’s its usual spin and gets us to blame each other for the short comings of government and its clearer than ever that governments are largely inefficient, fat, slow and have no idea what they are doing since they are run by millionaire trust babies and other wealthy elites. The very people put in places of power are often the same people we need to protect us when times get tough. We are going through one of those tough times right now. Inconsistent and confusing health guidelines back by shoty science and zero logic. As an example my province of BC changes the rules on a whim almost ever month based on no scientific backing. This last month they shut down restaurants but still allow patio dinning? The entire pandemic they have allowed gyms to stay open people perspiring and breathing large amounts of humid possible infections air into an indoor space. Parks closed when the science clearly shows that the virus, like most virus’s cannot survive in sunlight and people being asked in Ontario and Quebec to stay indoors more. Restricting your ability to move or walk around forcing you into your home cell with a promise that maybe someday soon to let you out. They have taken everything away from us and even when you get your shot you will not be allowed to hug anyone or take off your mask. The shot makes you at least 90% resistant to the virus and we are still asked to be locked down. While killing small business’s, restaurants, our freedoms and our own identities. Does this sound extreme? Yes because it is! People like me are watching our democracy fade away because we are all caught up with the news and social media that we cannot see what is right in front of our face. A growing police state who even as we speak is being give more powers in every country around the world to crack down on protesting and other unconstitutional means. The forces that are meant to protect you are going to be used against you to enforce a new government structure of extreme control and power. This is how governments like china and Russia become what they are and we are just allowing it happen. We love to play the we will never be like them card however its happening every single day an inch at a time and each time the people in power testing the waters to see how much more abuse we can take.

A quote that has stuck with me my entire life and something I live by was coined by Benjamin Franklin, “He who would trade liberty for some temporary security deserves neither liberty no security.” The government clearly has no idea what it is doing with these health measures. The virus thank god was never as bad as we thought it was going to be but with media starved without their reality tv star Trump to talk about, have doubled down on scaring you from everyone you know, forcing you to isolate in sometimes dangerous home environments. We are currently in a process of freely trading away our liberties for a temporary sense of safety and no one is asking the tough questions or knows when it will end. I know the argument, well if everyone just locked down for a week it would be over, or if we all get vaccinated, we could go back to life as normal. We did that. We did that twice. The problem is that like normal….was already broken. It was a system that got us here in the first place. 9/11 gave governments vast amounts of power and do you feel any safer? Do you feel any safer today than yesterday? Of course not, because the spin doctors are trying to ensure we all live in a permanent state of fear and distract us with social media and Netflix so that we the masses do not start asking the tough questions.

On the flip side, these have been the best years of our lives, we have been tested and many of us have awoken to just how messed up the world is. So how do we fight back? I called for a revolution and that is exactly what is coming. Tensions are rising to such extremes in so many polarities in society that if we can actually overcome them without conflict it will be a first in human history. I am an avid student of history and like many revolutions and civil wars before the spark that started them was minimal. I use the analogy of playing with matches in a pool of gasoline. Sooner or later it will evaporate or one of those matches is going to cause a big fire. I have hope that we can avoid a major conflict and that there is a peaceful solution but that relies on many of us to fight back in little ways.

Most of us who are awakening and finding new avenues of spirituality and connectiveness to the earth and universe will feel a great frustration that we cannot change society as a whole. One of the very first lessons I learned in my awaking is you might not be able to change the whole world in a day but you can change yourself and the way you act with others around you. If you change your own reality and your own perceptions we can change the planet once and for all. It relies on us overcoming our fears of the backlash from society, governments and others. I don’t think this revolution will work with traditional means of violence and mobs, I do not think anyone has patience for that right now, but rather this needs to be a peaceful defiance and strength, setting an example for others so that they can see it is possible to be strong during times like this. Fear is something chosen not certain. We need to be the beacons to guide the people away from the rocky cliffs that they are heading towards. We need to be stronger than they can be right now so that when they do wake up they will know who to turn too, themselves and others like them.

I am extremely frustrated with my fellow humans at this time in my life and our history. Though I am extremely careful that I do not allow that frustration to come from a place of hate, it comes from a place of love. I love our species I love humanity as I believe so greatly in our power for change. We are powerful beings that never die because we are one with the universe and the universe is filled with a great level of abundance and love. We are filled with that same light love and abundance. Everything is energy and if we resonate our knowing that society is turning down a dark path it is up to us to try our very best to set the example and provide a counter resonance. What does this look like?

Think of the butterfly affect. A small tiny insect that weighs so little to us that when it flaps its wings it creates a burst of energy into the molecular soup that is our air. Resonating the transfer of energy onto the environment that in turn spins and rotates other molecules until enough come together to create a light breeze. That breeze joining other breezes becoming a strong gust strong enough to blow over small plants and pick up leaves and small light objects. Something invisible and easy to move through such as air, joins with other gusts to create a strong wind something powerful enough to push against trees and capsid waves on the oceans surface. When enough powerful winds come together, they create a storm which brings with it even newer powers of static electricity a free and powerful energy that has the power to destroy modern infrastructure, destroy homes and create chaos for millions. That little butterfly while just being itself was enough to change the course of history. We are those butterflies, after spending a good year or so inside in a cocoon of spiritual growth, personal healing love and knowledge may of us are coming out and learning to spread our wings for all the world to see. You have transformed and are ready to take your first flight, but you have never used your wings before. Do you know how to use them? Who will teach you? No one. You. You being you is enough to create a revolution and it all starts with you.

Trust me I know how infuriating it can be to hear this, but its infuriating because we have always had this power its just never been understood until you realize just how powerful you really are. My generation was raised on the belief of we can do or be anything we want to be, however, there was a great expectation for us to know what that should be at an age where we are still trying to figure out how to even talk people, we want to have sex with. The only remedy is time. Time allows us to suffer sufficiently to a point where we decided enough is enough and you end your own suffering. For some to realize that level of power will bring you down into depression like it did for me and it took me a long time to forgive myself because I did not know what I was doing. Your job is to forgive yourself for the lack of knowing and the lack of strength you needed at the time of the suffering. You must embrace the fact that you are powerful and you alone can change your own future and destiny because it has been you all alone. You are in the driver seat and we are all trying to do this together as a species until one day. Enough of us will learn how to flutter our wings and create the storm of revolution that will build a new earth that is centred around the greater human values of Love, acceptance, patience, knowledge, spirt, family and healing. We all have the power so what can you do in your every day to day life to help others see the truth?

Can you smile the next time you see a homeless person on your way to work? When you see someone in their own car wearing a mask can you find it in your heart to be frustrated with them with love and not hate? Can you yourself not wear a mask in certain settings to show that you are not afraid. Can you travel some where and show people that it is possible? Can you hug you family or friends while respecting their comfort level? Can you donate to a charity that actually uses your money towards a real cause and not to pay for the CEO’s salary. Can you afford to pay extra to buy from a local small business to support them from Amazon and Walmart? Can you delete Facebook? Can you call a friend instead of texting them? Is there someone that is struggling and despite your views about them can you offer them a loving hand?

Kindness is more infectious than any disease, but I understand myself it requires a lot to be vulnerable to rejection, worries and misunderstandings. That is where you need to be strong. It takes a true warrior to put yourself out there with small acts of kindness, but as you learn to flap your wings you and millions of others like us will begin to create the revolution that we all desire. It starts with love and peace from within yourself. Once you find that love and acceptance the universe inverts itself, since you are the universe, to the world we observe. We are in control of our reality and the more of us that revolt without putting ourselves into great danger or jeopardy will slowly start the wheels turning. The only true way to find out is action and time to see if we broke the cycle this time around. Revolt in anyway you can against the tyranny of fear but don’t use your own tyranny or fear to brow beat others into submission you must rise above that you must be the ideal we want to strive towards, we must be our own salvation.

This is the explorer signing off.


About the Creator

David Longpre

I am a thinker, explorer and creator. Through my life journey I hope to help as many people as possible through my creations and know that it comes from a place of light and love.

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