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Dangerous female habit: 14 signs that you are already on the verge


By tanyaPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

1. Depressive and pessimistic thoughts. Do you notice this mood in your head? Urgent-urgent-urgent start energizing yourself before all these thoughts materialize.

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2. You can't wake up in the morning and you constantly want to sleep. This is a signal of overwork, emptiness - both of the heart and the fuel tank.

3. You take it out on loved ones. If you suddenly shout at your husband, children, parents - something is clearly wrong here, and for a long time. And relatives have nothing to do with it. You are simply de-energized, and everyone suffers from this.

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4. You do not want to communicate with anyone. Women love to chat. Of course, someone only with loved ones, and someone - with everyone. But if a woman does not want to talk at all, and it lasts more than a couple of hours, then most likely something is wrong.

5. You don't want to take care of yourself. When you are too lazy to comb your hair or change into a soiled T-shirt, you don’t want to dress up when you haven’t shaped your eyebrows or applied cream for a hundred years, this is a symptom of exhaustion in a dangerous phase.

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6. You spend all your money on others. They gave you a salary or your husband gave you a bunch of money, you went to the store. What did you buy? A dress for my daughter, Lego for my son, a shirt for my husband, a curtain for home, groceries, rent… And the money ran out! What about yourself? Nothing. I didn’t like anything, I didn’t capture money, I didn’t have time. Dangerous sign!

7. You don't want anything. In the store, nothing touches you for yourself - no dresses, no shoes, no hair clips, no books. You are asked what to give you, but you do not know what to want. Carefully! Dangerous state!

8. You don't like yourself. I don’t want to buy anything for such a body, I don’t want to paint such a face, and I don’t want to braid such hair. I don’t want to look in the mirror, let alone take pictures. Warning sign! Yes, maybe you have something to strive for in your appearance, but if it evokes such feelings, then this is an occasion to think about your fullness.

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9. Increased anxiety. Do you feel excessive panic and the desire to control everything, no matter what it concerns? There is anxiety, fear, unrest in your chest - and you can’t do anything? It means that they are devastated and there is no strength inside that can help you and your loved ones, protecting them.

10. Comfortable clothes. Do you choose clothes not according to the “like” principle, but according to convenience, so that you can whitewash the ceiling, and run after the dog, and wash the floor, and wipe your hands on the hem, and it’s not a pity to get dirty? Looks like you took a wrong turn...

11. Too fast paced. Do you feel that you do not live, but run - either to work, or to a kindergarten, or behind a tram? And even go to the bath almost like in the army - do everything in 60 seconds? So it's time to slow down and rest.

12. Too many “shoulds” in your head? Need this and that, must do this and this, must do this and that, must be here and there ... Beware, this is a sign that you are going in the wrong direction and in the wrong way.

13. All by herself. As soon as a desire arises in you to do everything yourself, because no one will do it normally, as soon as you start thinking about how sorry it is that you are only one, it would be better if there were at least two or ten of you, as soon as you stop asking for help and trust - you burn everything accumulated very quickly. Therefore, this is also a dangerous signal and a harbinger. Would you like to do everything yourself? Be ready to fill yourself intensively, also by yourself. No one will do this for you for sure.

14. Discussions and condemnations. Caught yourself washing someone's bones? Discussed the government, neighbors and stars, condemned everyone who is wrong? Consider that in one fell swoop burned all your strength. At this moment, you may even feel good and cheerful, and then complete devastation will come.

Did you see yourself in one of the points? Urgent for pick up. Urgently give yourself the opportunity to lie in the bath without feeling guilty, find an opportunity to take a walk in nature, and better alone, read a book, watch a movie.

Do something pleasant and useless in the general sense - because in fact this is the most useful thing. And if you ignore this most useful thing in favor of the more socially approved one, expect trouble.

Often girls who have lived for several years inexplicably, without any fuel, in the “must-should-should” mode, working from morning to night without days off, think that all this stress can be compensated for in two weeks of vacation. You ruin yourself and your health with excessive loads for a year, and then two weeks on the beach and as good as new. But it doesn't work like that.

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I know a lot of cases when women left such places that sucked all their strength and ... For a year, two or three, they did nothing. Generally. Slept, ate, even at home too lazy to do something. Complete degradation? No. A symptom that they overspent their own strength for several years ahead. And the body requires rest in such a categorical form. If you give it to him and not feel guilty, over time, strength will appear again. Unless, of course, fill yourself, cherish, nurture and cherish. But it is better to avoid such situations.

Do not wait for a complete stop of the engine and all systems! Just like with a car, keep busy and take care of yourself. And watch for alarm bells, watch for signs of your devastation. Remember, when you take care of yourself, you are also taking care of your loved ones! This is especially true for moms who are used to throwing themselves away for many years and hope that they can make someone happier in this way.

Did you find at least one sign? Take care of yourself right now. What if there is more than one sign? Set aside everything at once. And give yourself first aid.

Chapter from the book "The Healing of the Woman's Soul"


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