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Daily Habits That Will Help You Manage Your Mental Health

Has mind, body, and soul needed a boast lately? Here are some daily habits to help you manage your mental health.

By Morgan E. WestlingPublished 6 years ago 6 min read

While many of us are very in tune with our physical health and spend time every day to keep our bodies in shape, we don’t necessarily take the same time to manage our mental health. Our mind and body are both equally important. To reduce stress, boost our immune system, and reduce anxiety and depression, we must commit time every day to improving our mental health as well as our physical health. It’s essential to feel good in mind, body, and soul. Starting today, take a pledge to manage your mental health better by using these simple daily habits.

Start exercising.

If you ever start to feel overwhelmed by your daily life, exercise is a great way to spend time and reduce stress. This is where physical health combines with mental health and you can improve your mind and body all at once. Exercising every day is an excellent mood-boosting activity. At first, it may seem difficult, and it will require some deep breathing and focus. However, over time, exercising will become a sanctuary for you. It will feel good, and exponentially increase your mental health. Whether you choose to run, do yoga, swim, or ride your bike, just getting your heart pumping is enough. Remember, it is not mental health vs physical health, it's better overall health for all of you.

Learning to spend time alone is a crucial way to manage your mental health. While social connections are important, being around people every day can make you feel overwhelmed. Research shows that spending time alone to really focus on your mind and body can decrease anxiety and depression. Whether you use this time to meditate and focus on deep breathing, or simply spend this time doing something you love that makes you feel good, be sure to dedicate time to yourself. Once you make alone time a daily habit, you will start to feel the way it is improving your mental state. You will feel calmer and stress free.

Keeping a daily journal is an excellent way to manage your mental health. It is like having your own personal support group. Your journal is a safe space where you can spill all your deep and dark feelings without any judgment. You can truly feel a release here, and it will feel good. Sometimes, speaking to someone else can be difficult, but letting out your feelings on pen and paper can be therapeutic. Starting today, make journaling a habit. Even on your good days, find something to write about. You will be able to go back and see your progress. This mood boosting technique will manage your mental health by giving you something to commit to, something to look forward to, and something to depend on.

Sleep more.

We can all agree that sleep is one of the most beneficial ways to manage your mental health. Whenever your immune system needs a boost, taking a long nap is sure to do the trick. Making sure your body gets an adequate amount of sleep each night will ensure that your mood and mental health stay stable each day. When your sleep cycle gets out of whack, so does your mind and body. Research shows that eight hours of sleep each night will keep you feeling your best each day. Improving your mental health has never been easier than just staying in bed a little longer.

We mentioned that alone time is important for managing your mental health, but social connections are important as well. It is all about balance. Being around others face to face is necessary to live a fulfilling life. Humans are social beings, and we live in a society in need of physical touch. A mixture of time alone and time spent with one another is an effective way to maintain your mental health. Connect with others on a personal level to improve your mental health. Have dinner, play games, and get to know one another better. This quality time will enrich your mind and body, and boost your mood.

Controlling what you put into your body can affect what goes on in your mind. Manage your mental health by learning to eat a healthy diet. When you feed your body constant sugar, fat, and unhealthy carbs all the time, your brain gets fogged and becomes slow. Your mood may be boosted initially, but in the long run, it will crash and you will become lethargic, bloated, and feel bad about yourself. To feel energized and improve your mental health, eat a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, as well as fiber and protein. Your body will thank you, and so will your mind.

Along with healthy eating comes hydration. Managing your mental health includes keeping your mind clear with ample amounts of water. Research shows that the body needs at least eight cups of water a day to stay healthy and hydrated. Stay away from sugary drinks and sodas, and stick to water and herbal teas. Both your mental health and physical health will reap the benefits from proper hydration.

Reading is such a broad hobby, and can be an excellent way to manage your mental health. Whether you enjoy reading the news, reading fiction, reading memoirs, reading self-help books, or reading magazines, reading can be the perfect daily escape for your mind. It can help reduce stress, decrease anxiety and depression, and boost your mood by allowing you to decompress and relax a little. The time you spend reading is your time to get away from the stresses of your daily life and indulge in something separate. Your reading time can be combined with your alone time. Reading also stimulates your mind, and helps your mental health by making you smarter. You can never go wrong by reading more, no matter what it is you choose to read.

One daily habit to manage your mental health is to keep a list of everything you are grateful for. There are many things daily that frustrate us and cause us to complain. We may think, “I’m so bothered by this in my life,” or “Why does this have to happen to me?” If every day we take a moment to change our mindset and be more positive instead, our mental health can really benefit. Starting today, make a list of everything you are thankful to have in your life, whether it is people, things, or something as simple as the weather. Watch how beneficial simply being grateful can be.

The outdoors does wonders for managing our mental health. If we take just thirty minutes each day to sit outside, breathe in fresh air, and look around us, our mind and bodies will be so thankful. We don’t realize how much damage artificial light, sitting at desks, and laziness does to our minds and bodies. Just the smallest change can make a significant difference. Get outside and you will see.

These daily habits can help manage your mental health and keep you happier in mind, body, and soul. They are not huge changes, but small things you can do each day to make a huge difference. Once you start incorporating these things, you will start to see a huge difference in your mood and well-being. Give them a try and see how much better you feel!


About the Creator

Morgan E. Westling

Avid Reader, Freelance Writer/Editor, and Lifestyle Blogger

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