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Binge eating, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Eating too much too often

By raamanPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

I.We all eat too much too often. Sometimes when we visit a relative's house, when we find our favorite food on the table, sometimes when we come to a reception with delicious food, we sometimes eat too much when we feel hungry. Food is an important part of our lives and good food makes us happy. So it is only natural that we sometimes eat too much. But some people have an uncontrollable rhythm of eating too much regularly.

At this stage they feel out of control and are unable to stop it. They will continue to eat until their stomach is full and they feel a little uncomfortable. Individuals who suffer from binge eating (excessive eating) tend to use food as a means of coping with their anxiety, depression and other emotional problems. However, they are also embarrassed to eat too much and eventually get worse. With timely treatment, you can recover from binge eating and restore a healthy eating habit.

Nevertheless, they continue to exercise or exert pressure on the food that they ate. The reason for this is that people with bulimia have a thinner limb and they have misconceptions about body shape. But people who have binge eating have no problem with body building, they just eat and eat to overcome their emotional stress.

The most common symptoms of binge eating disorder are as follows:

i. They eat too much food too fast and can't stop feeding.

II. They avoid eating with others because they feel that their eating habits are uncontrollable and embarrassing. They even hide their food to eat alone.

iii. In the case of stress and anxiety, they think that they can rest only by eating. But after a period of uncontrolled feeding, they feel embarrassed for having eaten too much immediately.

iv. When their stomachs are full, they still eat until they feel uncomfortable.

v. Especially, they can stay up all day without having to follow a regular schedule.

The exact cause of binge eating (excessive eating) is unknown, although it is generally thought to be caused by a combination of emotional, psychological and environmental problems. People who suffer from mental health problems such as anxiety and depression may suffer from binge eating. People who use, eating disorders to cope with negative moods or stressful situations are at increased risk. Such experiences can also contribute to the disadvantage of childhood experiences, which can increase a person's liking.

Your parents bought food as a reward for some of your achievements, or when you are not on the alert, buying your favorite food or chocolate can lead you into a mood of using food to cope with adversity later in life. Similarly, physical abuse, such as childhood trauma or abuse, may also contribute to the disorder. Similarly, psychological factors such as low self-esteem may also play a role in some people's risk of binge eating. Or things like harassment can be a cause of the damage.

Treatment for this disorder is essentially a psychological therapy that addresses your attitude towards eating disorders as a strategy for dealing with emotional stress. Experts use cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy aimed at relationships with others, and interactive behavioral therapy (dialectical behavior therapy) to treat binge eating.

The aim of these therapies is to help them overcome their emotional problems, to rely on a diet, to have a healthy thought about diet and weight, and to find a better way to deal with stressful situations. If your weight gain has been increased due to this binge eating (excessive eating), you will find ways to lose weight and follow a healthy diet to maintain a healthy weight.


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