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A Practical Guide to Dream Questing

A simple way to find the answers you seek in life

By Eidolon Schreiber Published 3 years ago 6 min read

Everyone feels lost.

At one point or another in their lives EVERYONE will face situations where they’re overwhelmed, or confused, or where they just really need a little guidance. I’ve been there myself, and after much research I’ve managed to devise a simple method to access the input you need.

Obligatory disclaimer: I can’t guarantee this will work for you. I can’t tell you exactly how it works. Maybe you’re tapping into your subconscious mind- which holds more information than you realize. Or maybe it’s a way to communicate with Spirit- which holds all information. All I can say for sure is that it’s worked for me, and after the instructions I will give 2 examples of my personal success with this technique.

Step 1: Find your garden. Before you even begin, picture a garden. Picture a tranquil, natural place. I suppose that if you prefer a beach or forest or mountaintop, it would work just as well. But be sure to include a body of water, such as a pond.

Step 2: Make your question. Before you begin you should decide exactly what you’re wanting to know. A jumbled, chaotic mess in your mind will only produce a jumbled, chaotic response. You need to think about the situation that vexes you and boil it down to one question.

Step 3: The meditative state. Before you go to bed for the night, free your environment from distractions. Do whatever you need to do to make yourself conducive to relaxation. Get comfortable in bed and mentally go to your garden. Now begin to clear your mind and relax your body. Begin at your toes and work your way up your body, taking deep breaths and on the exhale feeling that body part melt away. If thoughts pop in your head, don’t fight them, just let them pass and go back to blank. If you get too off track, simply start over. Do this until your mind is clear and all tension is gone from your body.

Step 4: The DEEP meditative state. Now picture that pool of water in your garden. You walk to it and begin to step down into the water. With every step you somehow become even more empty minded and your body is so relaxed it’s practically one with the water. You step in and the water covers your feet up to the ankle, up to the knees, now the water’s at your waist, and so on until you are completely submerged. It’s murky and dark but not scary at all. You swim down, down, down.

Step 5: Find your answer. You swim down in the darkness and see a treasure chest. You swim to it and open it. Inside is a bright, glowing, light. That light is your answer! Don’t worry about what the answer is, just know that the light is it and you’ve found it.

That’s it. That’s the exercise. Just keep repeating until you fall asleep and your question will be answered in your dream. Of course with dreams it’s not likely to be straightforward, so try to remember any odd details that really catch your attention. You may need to do some research when you wake up or do the exercise for more than one night to get the input and the clarification that you need.

Now, as promised, my personal examples: The first time I did this, and the reason I felt the need to figure out this technique, was because I had a criminal charge against me and the court wanted me to take a plea bargain. Now, I was absolutely not guilty. And before it happened to me I couldn’t comprehend how anyone would plea guilty or confess to something they hadn’t done. But now I know. The police at the scene refused to listen to me. The police in the month or so after the incident refused to listen to me. The prosecutor refused to consider my side. For over a year and a half this dragged out. It was incredibly stressful, and at the point where they offered the plea deal I was desperate for the whole stupid situation to be over. I was too tired to fight anymore.

I needed to know what to do. So I dream quested. That night in my dream I was in a college style class, the lecture was over and some students were still milling around and chatting. I was telling a classmate the story of what was going on in my waking life. The professor walked up to us and interjected, “I’m sorry to interrupt. But I couldn’t help overhearing your story.” She was an older woman with glasses and grey hair cut in a short style, she radiated experience and compassion. “I used to be a judge, and let me tell you- don’t ever plea out if you know you’re not guilty.”

I tend to have epic dreams, so there was a whole world of stuff that happened before and after that. But I certainly remembered that part upon waking! I called my public defender that day and told her no dice, they could take me to trial.

Maybe 4 months later the prosecution finally realized they didn’t have a case and the charge was completely dropped.

The second time I dream quested was when I was trying to get pregnant. There’s an excruciating wait of 2-4 weeks when you may be pregnant but it’s too soon to test. I was dying to know! In that dream I was teaching a cooking class and for some reason there was a white 5 gallon bucket on the kitchen counter with cut blue carnations in it. Once again, there was a world of dream before that and a world of dream after. But that one detail stood out.

So I did an internet search to see if there was a special significance to carnations. It turns out that during the Victorian era people would use flowers to send messages to each other. Carnations meant “yes”! And of course, the blue was for “boy”. It was also funny when I went in for the gender scan and told THEM it was a boy before the nurse saw for themselves. About 9 months after that dream my son was born.

I’ve only dream quested those 2 times, but I’d consider the results to be a resounding success. I’m not an expert by any means, and I’ve never claimed to be. I’m just posting this in the hopes that someone who really needs it, finds it. The same way I found the books and articles that helped me piece this all together when I needed help. So, good luck working through your issues, and happy dreaming!

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About the Creator

Eidolon Schreiber

Lazy mystic, and weirdo extraordinaire.

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