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15 Subtle Signs That You Don't Love Yourself As Much As You Should.

The truth is, our lives are defined by the space that we give ourselves. And it's never been more important to love yourself as much as you deserve.

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

A healthy, balanced life requires genuine self-love. This means not only loving the good qualities you possess, but also being able to sincerely accept your flaws and shortcomings. When it comes to loving yourself, your focus should always be on nurturing yourself rather than simply making yourself “acceptable” for other people.

That being said, there are plenty of signs that you may not be loving yourself as much as you should. Early signs can include: the inability to accept who you are and making excuses for it, self-destructive habits and attitudes, underachieving, etc. If you’re not sure if you really love yourself or not, take a look at some of the subtle signs below.

1. You're unhappy with your current relationship

If you’re in a relationship that isn’t making you happy, even though it’s not irreparable, then that may be because you aren’t being honest with yourself or your partner about what is and isn’t working for the both of you. If you’re unhappy with your relationship, this could be a sign that you are subconsciously trying to get rid of something that’s not good for you by simply staying in it.

You may also be unhappy in your relationship because you feel unappreciated. If that’s the case, then it’s time to start asking yourself why you don’t feel appreciated and how else you can make yourself feel valued.

2. You're overcompensating

When things aren’t going your way, it’s possible that you are overcompensating and literally “disappearing into thin air.” This is a common trait associated with people who aren’t happy with themselves and tend to disappear from the world in order to not leave the impression that they aren’t happy.

If you are feeling invisible or like nobody truly sees you, it may be a sign that your confidence isn't strong enough to allow you to open yourself up in public. If this is the case, then consider reaching out for help and talking about how you feel with someone who cares about you.

3. You’re holding back your emotions

When you decide to suppress your feelings or hold back your emotions in public, you are literally doing just that and making yourself feel invisible. If you try to hide how you really feel, this is a sign that you don’t trust yourself enough to be able to express your true intentions without feeling anxious or anxious about how others might respond.

If it's not one thing, it's another: there are plenty of signs that someone isn't completely happy with themselves including the inability to suggest their own thoughts and arguments in a verbal way.

4. You're inwardly critical

When you are inwardly critical of yourself, it means that you may take your own opinions for granted or also see yourself as a victim of your circumstances. Should you notice that you tend to be a critic of yourself, this could mean that you don’t love yourself enough to really put the work in and change.

If your opinion of yourself is always negative and lead by negativity, then this is another sign that you aren’t happy with who you are and may not be able to see light at the end of the tunnel.

5. You're underachieving

If you feel like you’re not achieving enough and aren’t getting the success that you deserve, it could be a sign that you simply aren’t comfortable with who you are and therefore feel that you have to strive for something beyond your own lack of self-esteem. If this is the case, then it might be time to take a step back, take a deep breath, and reassess your situation.

You may also not be happy in your life because there are some things that will always remain unfulfilled in this world.

6. You're more self-conscious than others

If you feel like there is so much pressure on you and that your self-esteem is constantly at the forefront of your internal dialogue, this could be a sign that you are under a lot of pressure to perform or else everyone will know how negative your self-perception is. It could also mean that you might not be happy with who you are and feel as though other people have a higher opinion of you than what they actually do. If this sounds familiar, it could also mean that you don’t love yourself enough to truly lead your life.

7. You're feeling unaccepted by others

If there is one main sign of a lack of self-love, it’s the need to constantly seek approval from others. That doesn’t mean that you should always be seeking approval, but if you notice that you feel as though people won’t accept your presence around them until you do something right, this could be a sign that you might not love yourself enough to accept who you are and what you want out of life. If this is the case, then it might be time to take a step back and reassess your current attitude towards yourself.

8. You don’t trust yourself

If you find yourself constantly doubting your own choices and decisions, it might be a sign that you don’t love yourself enough to take the necessary steps to build up your confidence. If you feel like the only way to really live life is from the sidelines, it's possible that you aren’t happy with who you are and feel as though if you try something new, it will fail for sure. If this is the case, try building up your confidence by seeking advice from those who know how to succeed and make a solid plan for moving forward.

9. You lie to yourself

A good time of assessing ourselves and our own lives can also occur by simply asking ourselves if we have been putting up a front when it comes to something that we care about. If we don’t love ourselves enough, it can be evident in the way that we lie to ourselves about who we are and what we are capable of. If this is the case, then it might be time to put yourself on a positive path by building up your self-esteem and learning to love yourself for who you are.

10. You feel like a fake

When you feel like a fake, it’s usually because you have built up a façade of who you are and don’t truly know if it is a reflection of who you are as an individual. If you find yourself putting up the ultimate disguise and really not being able to decipher fact from fiction, this can be an indicator that your low self-esteem has begun to come into play, leading to the inability to even discern your own internal voice from an external one. If this sounds familiar, then it could be time for an honest conversation about who you want to be in life and how much input you want from others.

11. You listen to others more than yourself

If you find that you are constantly changing who you are, it could be because some voices in your head don’t feel as though they have a voice, specifically the voice of your own true self. When this is the case, you may be listening to others more than yourself and not ever fully listening to what your intuition wants for you. If this is the case and you aren’t happy with how things currently stand, it might be time to take a moment and evaluate your current situation.

12. You feel you can’t be seen

If you are hiding and attempt to hide behind a mask or identity, it could mean that you don’t love yourself enough to openly be yourself and show other people who you really are. If this is the case, then it might be time to take a step back and reassess your current situation. It may also be time to build up your self-esteem by learning how to love yourself more and feel as though you truly deserve who you are.

13. You are needy

When a person feels like they have to have things in life, it usually means that they have started feeling as though they don’t have enough of themselves. If you notice yourself feeling as though you have to have other people, places, or things in your life to make yourself complete, this could be a sign that you aren’t happy with who you are and don’t feel as though you have enough of what it takes to live the life that you truly want. If this is the case, it might be time for a change so that you can really start loving yourself more and experience what it is like to live a happy life.

14. You tell others everything

This can be an indication of trust issues in life when dealing with certain situations. If you are constantly telling others everything, even if they don’t want to hear it, this could be an indicator that you are not happy with who you are and don’t feel as though you can trust your own instincts in life. If this is the case, then it might be time for you to reassess your current situation so that you can start loving yourself more and have a much better relationship with yourself.

15. You are a perfectionist

If you feel like you have to be perfect or else everyone will know how negative your self-perception is, this can be a sign that you don’t love yourself enough to accept who you are and what it is that makes you unique. If this is the case, try taking a step back and building up your self-esteem so that you can start truly loving yourself for who you are. Only then will you be able to truly see how happy life can really make you feel.

In Conclusion

Lack of self-love can lead to many situations that aren’t beneficial for anyone involved, including yourself. If you want to get back on a healthy track, start by taking some time to interact with yourself every day in a way that you can also respect your own needs and happiness. Only then will you be able to learn how much you truly deserve love from others.


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