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HIDDEN SECRETS OF NUMEROLOGY:Each Letters Has It's Own Frequency

By Nora Dan-HaroldPublished about a year ago 10 min read

In these two numerical sources
contain a wealth of information about
your life Destiny personality negative
and positive traits and the unique
talents you came into this life to share
with the world once you understand these
numbers you begin to have a plethora of
knowledge at your disposal to help you
find your status in the world and live
in harmony with your higher self.

The key to a life of contentment is choosing loyal friends life Partners Living Spaces,hobbies and work that resonates with your inherent numerical vibrations according to Pythagoras the world is built upon the power of numbers,this numerology evolves into divination and Magic systems because both systems are
on the broader Concept in the universe comprises mathematical patterns everything can be expressed in numbers that correspond to Universal vibrations as a result all things including names words birthdates and birthplaces can be
reduced to numbers to determine people's personalities,Destinies and fortunes. Pythagoras is also famously known as the father of numerology because he was the one who gave the idea that musical intervals could be articulated between the number one to four Pythagoras believe that these numbers equal the sum
of 10. He further demonstrated that the cycle of numbers one through four could start off again when reaching 10. a single digit can reduce numbers larger than nine by adding the digits together. Pythagoras believe that the Universe could be expressed in numbers and early Greek philosophers have also contributed
to developing a mystical system specific characteristics and values were assigned to integers throughout the ancient history of numbers, the way the ancient Greeks recorded the numbers in dots or geometrical figures was one mechanism that enabled the assignment of these characteristics odd numbers that could not be separated were said to be
masculine because they possessed the generative Parts representing
assertiveness power and creativity even numbers that could be split into and thus had openings were considered feminine representing wholeness,stability or weakness in Greek mythology 888 represents the higher mind Jesus.
A Greek variant of Jesus equals 888 the Mortal mind was represented by the number 666. The numbers 666 is referred to as the beast's number in the New Testament,the interpretation of numbers was highly valued in early Hebrew history. The Hebrew alphabet's letters were based on
numbers and this relationship was linked to Cosmic forces; the teachings of merkaba a Jewish sect, spawned numerical mysticism in the Middle Ages. German kabbalists developed Gematria a mystical numerical interpretation of the scriptures in the 13th century the Greeks and Hebrews both considered tend to be the perfect number, Pythagoras believe that 10 encompassed all arithmetic and harmonic proportions and like God is indestructible. All Nations use it because when they reach 10, they
returned to one the number of Creations the heavenly bodies according to pythagoreans were divided into ten orders according to the Kabbalah there are 10 numerical emanations from nothing,the emanations combined to form the ten
sephiroth of the Tree of Life which
contains all knowledge and shows the way back to God aside from the occult
meanings of numbers, another fundamental principle of numerology is Gematria or cryptograph consonants are used as number signs in Hebrew but combining them with vowels can often be read as words and numbers.
The mediaeval cabalis number magic was founded on a combination of Gematria and Pythagorean number symbolism, this enables a special
reading of the Hebrew Bible to uncover hidden or secret meanings.This unique system has also been applied to Greek, Latin and the New Testament of the Bible for example, various personified meanings have been assigned to 666 the Number denoting the beast in the Book of Revelations Nero Caesar, Martin Luther, Pope Leo the 10th in Napoleon are among them. Numerology in the occult is frequently used to discover hidden meanings of events and to forecast the future when used in these ways,new Numerology has transformed into a form of divination or fortune telling it's
frequently combined with other forms of divination such as astrology,cartomancy,geomancy and dream interpretation, once
numerology is used in divinatory forms
it becomes magical as a theory; such
magic has Occidental Roots but is
usually attributed to Pythagoras. The
system theorises that all things are
numbers and that numbers influence the essence of things as a result number serves as a bridge between the Divine and the mundane as a result when one performs various operations on numbers, these operations affect the things related to these numbers,numbers are an
example of this principle at its most
basic in American culture for example
most people consider the number 13
unlucky as a result anything with the
number 13 should be avoided it such as the 13th day of the month especially if it's a Friday the 13th floor 13 dinner guests and so on in Belgium however wearing the number 13 is considered a good luck charm for women the negative connotation of the number 13 stems from the biblical account of the Last Supper in which Judas was the 13th Apostle.However, an earlier concept emphasises its connection to the number 12 which is
associated with the Zodiac and has
strong positive associations in
Babylonian and other early astral
When scientific discoveries
about light magnetism and electricity
were made in the 19th century, the theory that numbers correspond to energy patterns of vibrations became popular. The numbers 11 22 and 33 are known as Master numbers because they cannot be reduced to a single digit spiritually. Developed people have names that
correspond to these numbers, the number 33 represents an avatar synchronicities like every night at 3 33 am you jump out.of bed or every time you're on the road you'll find cars with number 111 license plates or your three recent grocery store trips cost you 17.17,23.23 and 35.35 every address you've ever had has the number 15 in it these are little nudges from the universe. The principles
of numerology like metaphysical Arts
hope that everything happens for a
reason this includes strange events that you might let go of as coincidences there's no such thing as a the world of numerology so if certain numbers repeatedly appear in your life you should take notice numbers are
everywhere and you come into contact with them on a daily basis like the universe a term that refers to God your Spirit guides your Angels or any other Divine forces in your life take
advantage of their widespread availability to send you messages. Remember that each number has a meaning and a vibration but you can and should go deeper to apply your own definitions to these events known colloquially as synchronicities pay attention to what's happening in your life when you see these repeating numbers what comes into your mind when these numbers appear do
you frequently see The Numbers 22 or 222,when considering how to resolve a difficult financial situation the
meanings of these numbers will most
likely reveal the solution to your difficulty; do you worry that you don't
get enough time to work on a special
project such as writing a novel that's
been begging to get out of your head and onto the page? do you keep waking up at 5:55 a.m even though you'd set the alarm to 7am perhaps the universe is attempting to work that project into your schedule by giving you an hour of riding time before you begin your busy day? when the soul longs to complete the tasks it's supposed to, the universe will
assist by sending you these little
nudges that are sometimes annoying but always beneficial in the long run
regardless of the not so random numbers that appear to you daily. Once you shift your focus to the mystical properties of numerology, you'll begin to notice other numerical patterns probably your three closest friends were born in November and all have the letter L in their first names, perhaps every house you've ever
visited with a seven in the address had a welcoming atmosphere wears houses with a six felt cold and unaccommodating
numerology can explain why you attract certain people and things into your life.
while feeling completely repulsed by
others have you ever noticed that some
days are different from your usual
routine for no apparent reason maybe no
external factors have changed but after
days of feeling neutral and going
through the motions you wake up one day
feeling energized confident and ready to
tackle a task that seemed impossible if
such a change occurs in your life the
numbers can usually explain it your life
path number which is calculated using
your date of birth is one of the
simplest and most important numbers to
calculate in numerology the life path
number reveals why you came into this
life and what challenges and learning
opportunities await you so how do you
calculate your life path number add each
digit of your birth month day and year
to find your life path number for
instance if you're born on April 2nd
1971 add 4 April is the fourth month
plus two plus one one plus nine plus
seven plus one this equals twenty four
add two plus four which equals six to
reduce twenty four to a single digit for
example a person born on April 2nd 1971
has a life path of six indicating that
they're a nurturer who values family
home loving relationships community and
humanitarian causes of course this is a
simplified interpretation however a
professional numerologist can elucidate
the meaning of the numbers providing
detailed insights into what motivates
you and makes you feel happy and secure
your date of birth is significant in
determining who you are and every day
month and year carries a vibration these
vibrations can assist you in planning
important events such as launching a new
business or trip you would be lucky if
you planned a wedding on February 15
2014 but why one plus five 5 plus 2 plus

2 plus 0 plus 1 plus 4 equals fifteen
one plus five equals six six is the
number of families love and a harmonious
home so walking down the aisle on the
15th would be an auspicious day in
addition to each day having a vibration
we all rotate through nine year Cycles
you can find out where you are in the
nine year cycle by adding your birth
date and month to the current year for
example in year nine you'll spend the
entire year reflecting closing forgiving
and letting go of things that no longer
serve you once you begin to understand
the professional numerology reading this
is an excellent place to start you will
learn more about the personal year
cycles and see patterns forming in your
life you can mitigate some of the
challenges and increase the blessings
that come with each personal year by
growing and understanding even if your
parents did something seemingly
insignificant like choose your name from
a book of ten thousand baby names it was
divinely inspired remember that there
are no coincidences in the world of
numerology and you were given the name
You Were Meant to have that, name carries
the perfect vibrations to assist you in
fulfilling your Soul's purpose you might
be wondering what letters do with
numbers at this point converting letters
and words into numbers dates back to
ancient Greek Latin and Hebrew cultures
modern numerology employs a
straightforward translation system with
the letter A equaling the number one B
equaling the number two and so on when
you reach number nine you once again
begin at number one the numerical value
of your full birth name reveals the
characteristics of your overall
personality other clues about your inner
self can be obtained by looking at your
first names first and last letters and
the consonants and and vowels in your
name it's customary to add up the
numerical value of a name or word take
the name John Smith as an example John
equals one plus six plus eight plus five
equals 20. Smith equals one plus four
plus nine plus two plus eight equals
twenty four twenty plus twenty four
equals 44. 44 equals four plus four
equals eight explanation determine
letter numerical values from the chart J
equals one o equals six H equals eight n
equals five s equals one m equals four I
equals nine T equals two and H equals
eight sum the numerical values of the
names John equals twenty and Smith
equals twenty four change the values to
single digits twenty equals two plus
zero equals two twenty four equals two
plus four equals six the sum of the
single digits two plus six equals eight
John Smith has an eight digit
numerological value number eight has the
characteristics of material success and
Justice of according to the
characteristics chart if you want to get
a full numerical reading about yourself
please check out the link in the
description what happens to your
personality when you get married and get
a nickname a stage name or change your
name in these cases the name changes
often part of an organic life shift
representing personal development and a
positive progression on your Soul's path
these changes are scored more
spiritually just as your parents chose
your name on the other hand if you
legally change your name simply because
it adds up to a number that represents
fun or financial abundance it will
likely backfire on you because it did
not occur naturally as part of your
spiritual growth have you ever gone on a
vacation with someone who appears to
have had an entirely different
experience than you while your friend is
blissfully lounging on the beach in Maui
Hughes suffer from sunburn and can't
stand the sensation of sand in your
swimsuit maybe you thought your trip to
London with your new boyfriend would be
an exciting exploration of a bustling
City but he constantly complained about
the crowds and strange smells on the
tomb like people places also carry
various vibrations related to their
names and date of birth a place's number
and corresponding vibration can be
calculated on a large scale such as an
entire country or a much smaller scale
such as a business name or a person's
home address consider your most recent
job interview where the atmosphere was
off and you couldn't wait to get out the
address business name or city where the
office was located most likely had
incompatible numbers matched for you
when planning a move a new job or a
vacation a professional numerology
reading can help you make decisions that
align with your spirit without the time
and space of a personal numerology
reading it's impossible to cover every
Nuance of each number but Q here are the
general meanings of the numbers one
inspiration New Beginnings Independence
originality leadership and initiative
two partnership support Harmony
cooperation tolerance and receptivity
three creativity growth optimism
self-improvement pleasure and
versatility for structure stability
practicality organization work and
making ideas happen five Freedom fun
passion change variety Adventure
communication and magnetism 6. home
family caring nurturing relationships
Harmony compromise and reliability 7.
intuition reflection mysticism
eccentricity depth analysis and solitude
eight money power control domination
business status leadership and strength
nine completion conclusions idealism
compassion spirituality and forgiveness
some other numbers have massive power
like 11 22 and 33 these numbers are
dominant and deserve special attention
only a numerological expert can explain
the significant numbers that can affect
your life positively or negatively so
numerology employs numbers to describe a
person's personality and forecast the
future the numerology theory is based on
the Pythagorean idea that everything can
be expressed numerically because
everything is ultimately reducible to
numbers modern numerologists and the
digits of a person's name and birth date
and then reduce them to a single digit
for each they use a unique numerical
system similar to Greek and Hebrew
alphabets which assigns a number to each
letter they then consult a numerical
table that describes the personalities
and fortunes of the people whose numbers
are represented by those numbers

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