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The Secret to Finding Happiness in Life

The Test of Wealth: The Story of the Rich Man and His Garden

By Theen BathushaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

As humans, we constantly search for happiness and contentment in our lives. We seek it in our relationships, our work, our possessions, and in many other aspects of our daily lives. But often, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves feeling empty and unfulfilled. We may even begin to question the purpose of our existence. It was during such a time that I discovered the story of the man with two gardens.

The man was a wealthy and successful farmer who owned two beautiful gardens. One of the gardens was filled with fruits and vegetables, while the other was adorned with fragrant flowers and luscious greenery. He would spend hours each day tending to his gardens, nurturing them with care and attention.

Despite his material wealth and success, the man was not content. He yearned for more and envied those who had even greater wealth and possessions. One day, as he was walking through his gardens, he looked up to the sky and exclaimed, "I don't think that all this will ever perish. Nor do I think the Hour will ever come. And even if I am brought back to my Lord, I will surely find something even better than this."

It was at that moment that Allah decided to teach the man a lesson. He caused his gardens to wither and die overnight, leaving the man in despair and grief. The man was heartbroken and lost, for he had placed all his hopes and dreams in his gardens.

However, Allah had not abandoned the man. He sent a group of angels to guide him and show him the true meaning of happiness and contentment. The angels appeared to the man in the form of poor, hungry, and homeless individuals. The man, upon seeing them, was moved with compassion and invited them into his home. He offered them food, shelter, and clothing, and treated them with kindness and respect.

The angels revealed their true identities to the man and informed him that Allah had sent them to teach him a valuable lesson. They explained that true happiness and contentment could not be found in material possessions or worldly success. Rather, it could be found in helping others and serving Allah. They also informed him that his wealth and possessions were not his to keep forever and that he would be held accountable for how he had used them.

The man was humbled by the angels' message and realized the error of his ways. He repented to Allah and vowed to use his wealth and resources to help those in need. He began to give generously to the poor, the sick, and the hungry, and to use his influence and resources to promote justice and equality in society.

In time, the man found true happiness and contentment in his service to Allah and in his compassion for his fellow human beings. He realized that his gardens were not the source of his happiness, but rather his faith and his good deeds.

The story of the man with two gardens taught me a valuable lesson about the true nature of happiness and contentment. It taught me that material possessions and worldly success are fleeting and that true happiness can only be found in serving Allah and helping others. It also taught me that our wealth and possessions are not ours to keep forever and that we will be held accountable for how we have used them.

In a world that is constantly pushing us to accumulate more and more material possessions, the story of the man with two gardens reminds us of the importance of living a life of service, compassion, and generosity. It reminds us that true happiness can only be found in our faith and our good deeds.

As I look back on my own life, I realize that my own pursuit of happiness had often been misguided. I had placed too much emphasis on material.


About the Creator

Theen Bathusha

Engineering postgraduate with a passion for exploring technology & innovation. Join me on a journey of knowledge-sharing and storytelling as we uncover the limitless possibilities of human mind. Let's embark on this wondrous voyage together

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