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Chakra Confessions

The Sacral Chakra Healing

By MentalmattersPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Chakra Confessions
Photo by Nitish Meena on Unsplash

The sacral chakra, also referred to as Svadhishthana, is the ‘I feel’. The olor associated with it is orange. This chakra is all about emotional expression. Do you let emotions flow through you freely or do you suppress/avoid certain emotions? Your creativity, sexuality, life force energy (desire), and ability to self soothe all stem from your sacral chakra. A balanced sacral chakra will allow you to have healthy emotional regulation.

By William Recinos on Unsplash


I allow myself to feel all emotions freely

I feel creative and empowered

I let emotions flow through me like water

I honor all of my emotions

I feel compassion for all of my pain

I am grateful for my existence

I trust my emotional responses

I embrace my sexualtity fully

I allow sexual energy to flow through me

I allow myself to feel desire

I allow myself to acknowledge all of my emotions

Sacral chakra blocks:



-Avoidance of any emotion


-Sexual repression

-Lack of emotional expression, lack of creative outlets

My Sacral chakra confession:

I had a severely blocked sacral chakra for the majority of my life. I had no communication with my sacral chakra because I was afraid to address the shame I held for so many things in my life. I didn't have an intimate relationship when I was a young child and I believe this led to an inability to self soothe. When children are breastfed, it is their first intimate relationship. They feel a deep bond form with their mother and they associate intimacy with the feeling of unconditional love and safety. When a child does not receive this energy, they will grow up in search of this connection. This is how oral fixations are formed because you are looking for oral stimulation to make you comfortable. I battled with binge eating, binge drinking, smoking/vaping, all in an attempt to fill the void of that unmet need as a child. When you grow up in search of external comfort, you are searching for it in someone else's love because you never received it from your mother. To solve this problem you have to teach yourself how to self soothe. You have to teach your inner child that internal comfort is what you are searching for, you have to meet your own needs. Unfortunately many people grow up without ever learning this information, so they are completely unaware of what they have to heal from. The ability to self soothe is essential for emotional regulation because it is what allows you to be able to address all emotions without avoidance. You have to have the ability to confront your own emotions without being afraid of them, and to do this, you have to be able to hold your own hand through the process. Once you're able to confront all of your emotions, you can begin to use those emotions as fuel for your creative outlets. Draw what your sadness feels like, create a song with your anger, whatever emotional release calls to you DO THAT. There is no wrong answer to creativity, it is what your sacral chakra needs to be an open and thriving chakra.

I held so much shame for being gay that I try to supress it completely. In my inner world I knew I was attracted to women, but in my outerworld I was told that was something to be afraid of, that it was something to be ashamed of. I loved women in secret and it created a wall that blocked the communication to my sacral chakra because I couldn't be honest with myself about how I truly felt. I held shame for what I truly desired and that is the easiest way to block your sacral chakra. I would use food as a suppression tactic to avoid emotions, I would eat until I was in pain instead of letting the emotions simply flow through my body. The time spent eating could have been time spent creating something beautiful with the shame I was feeling, but I didn’t want to feel it. My addictions also created more shame that I didn't want to feel. I felt ashamed of how much food I was eating, I felt ashamed that I felt like I needed my vape, I felt ashamed that I felt I couldn't control my actions when I knew what was best for my body. The first step to healing was acknowledging this shame and having a conversation with it. I let the shame say everything that I had avoided listening to and then I comforted that shame. I told my shame you can love whoever you choose to love. I told my shame addictions are something that many people struggle with, and you're lucky because some people never get to understand how to heal from them. I told my shame I understand how hard it is to exist in a world that makes you feel bad for the things that you love and it's not your fault that no one taught you how to handle it. I showed my shame how to receive my love and that is emotional regulation. Your emotions need your compassion, speak to them gently, show them love and they will never stand in your way again. There are no good or bad emotions, they are all simply something to be experienced in life. Find ways to enjoy every single emotion.

By Yoav Hornung on Unsplash

Questions to ask your sacral chakra:

What shame do I carry with me?

Are there any emotions I am avoiding?

What emotions do I consider “Bad”? How can I view them as simply another emotion to experience?

If you have addictions:

What emotions trigger my need to use?

Can I sit with the emotion instead of trying to get rid of it?

Am I afraid to feel this emotion? Why am I afraid of this emotion, what does this emotion want to tell me?

My sacral chakra healing has been the most profound healing on my journey thus far. I was living in so much denial because of the shame that I wasn't addressing that it took a very long time to be able to speak to my emotions in an effective manner. Be patient with your triggers, be patient with your emotions, allow yourself to feel whatever comes up, and most importantly, give yourself time to process everything that you're learning. Thank you for reading and I am sending love and light to everyone reading this. Enjoy the journey :)


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