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Making the Cannabis Industry "Green"

It's time to make this green business truly green

By Rico VersePublished 4 years ago 3 min read

The blooming cannabis industry is a green rush indeed, but it is also riddled with waste. This isn’t surprising since cannabis regulations are always in flux and differ greatly depending upon state and municipalities. But even with all of that, everything could be much better if we as a cannabis community came together and agreed on a few simple rules.

No poisons or toxins on any product

This should be a no brainer but there are many cost friendly alternatives that can and are used in cannabis growing, processing and manufacturing establishments. If it causes damage to the soil, to the water or to the people that grow and use it then it should not be used in the cannabis industry. This single collective agreement could lead to a reduction in a lot of the gross misrepresentations that the cannabis plant currently has.

We in the cannabis world often forget that others don’t see this plant for the miracle that it is. Putting poisonous chemicals on the plant for whatever reason will only lead those who dislike the plant to be more adamant about their restrictive policies. Let’s not give them another excuse to dislike cannabis. Stop poisoning all greens.

Hemp hurds (inner part of the hemp stalk)

Up-cycle your Cannabis bio-waste

Most of the cannabis grown is grown for the flowers. That being said, most of the plant they work so hard to cultivate ultimately ends up going to waste and thrown into landfills. Some cannabis waste disposal laws and regulations out there even require non-organic material to be mixed with the waste. Whatever idiotic rule they have in place right now should be replaced with one simple code, all cannabis bio waste must be used to make industrial products.

That simple change in ideology and legislation could quite literally spark an entirely new industry we haven’t even begun to tap into, the HEMP industry. From root to flower, every part of this amazing plant should and must be used if we want to seriously start changing the natural resources human beings need to survive. If we replace cutting down trees, growing cotton and corn, making petrol diesel and even start feeding our livestock hemp, we will all live in a much better world. Well, at least cleaner.

Cannabis containers can quickly pile up

Enough with the wasteful packaging

Why is it that most Cannabis packaging is so fucking shiny, plastic like, wanna be cultured unsustainable mess? I really feel like they took our favorite candy and potato chip wrapper and made them childproof. If it’s not the scream for attention most packaging has, it’s the fact that after you use the product you really have nothing to do with it. You could always put more greens in them, but the only people who buy bulk greens are the ones who have a connection. For a majority of the population, we are left to feel like cannabis container hoarders since we can’t really get refills for them and there is no established way to set up a recycling program in conjunction with the dispensaries and cannabis brands.

So, since we can’t really snap our fingers and unite the cannabis community at the bare minimum we should only sell products packaged in eco-friendly, disposable and sustainable materials. Keep your flashy marketing, but print it with algae ink. Keep selling your individual pre-rolls, just put them in a hemp plastic tube. There are sustainable and green friendly ways for everything now and days, it just takes a little research and potentially a few more cents per unit.

I know it might seem easier and smarter to save a few cents here and there, but remember that it is that exact same attitude that has gotten us to this ecological nightmare we all live in.

Let’s make the cannabis industry the greenest industry on the face of this planet.

Let’s actually use this plant as a way to heal the planet and empower our communities.

Let’s all start living a more green friendly life.


About the Creator

Rico Verse

Being in human form.

Creative thinker, poem scribbler, dreamer of infinite possiblities.

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