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You Can't Elect Me as Your Best Friend and Then Throw My Trust to the Wolves

This poem is about the downside of friendship and how people miscommunicate.

By Amanda ZylstraPublished 7 years ago 4 min read

Her obsession with love is just that.

An unhealthy obsession.

She picks her target out of a bar crowd on a Thursday night.

When her first arrow fails to hit the intended target, she gets back on her feet and finds a target closer to the ground, who's heart was also trampled tonight when his date also failed to show up.

All is fair in love and war, but the sad puppy trying to find another relationship as soon as humanly possible will soon turn on me, the friend who came out tonight so that she wouldn't have to be alone.

She puts words in my mouth that were never said or ever implied.

She changes the course of events to make herself look better.

She is never the bad guy, and everyone else around her is always to blame for her unhappiness.

She is always the victim, and she uses this as a way to seek attention from others, like a sad lost puppy that desperately wants to fit in with the bigger dogs around her.

She does not see how her behavior drives others away, how her insanity scares the sane ones off and makes some people run for the hills and never look back.

She will never see the error of her ways or the way she forces relationships onto others, the way she chooses people and gives them roles they never signed up for.

I was picked out of a crowd and given the role of her best friend.

I truly believed that she cared for me, and I loved her as a sister as best as I knew how.

I did not reject the role she gave me, in fact, I tried to fill it and was growing fond of spending more time with her and getting out of my home.

The nightlife I had left behind when I became a mother was opening up to me again.

I was spending time with people I had not seen in years.

The old familiar sites and sounds were back.

I was exploring places I had not set foot in for many years, and I was enjoying the local bands and new friends I was meeting.

I really did need her in my life at that moment in time.

I really did need to get out of my comfort zone and explore the world around me that I had been missing out on.

I needed to remember the things I had left behind when I became a hermit and started avoiding everyone.

I was always myself around her.

I didn't hold anything back.

Over time she started to hate me and viewed me as a mean person due to my honesty.

This world has made me hard, and the glass is half empty for me many times.

I am a realist, not a hater.

I don't live in a fantasy land where all the right things always fall into place.

I have my own demons to slay, and they keep me up at night.

You can't force what is not meant to be.

We constantly butt heads because she is offended by my words.

I speak out of love, but I also cut to the chase.

I should not have to censor myself around friends.

I should not have to walk on egg shells and have my voice silenced so that others can speak over me.

She clings to the wrong people, and I watch as it blows up in her face.

Then she wonders why both shoes drop, and plays the victim card again.

Every time you do this, you fail.

I cannot be picked out of a crowd and told I am your new best friend.

I can try to adapt to your personality and be thankful for a new closer friendship, but at the end of the day, I can only be myself.

You can not force me to fill the shoes of those who came before me.

If you are going to hate me, hate me for who I am, not for who I am not.

The last person chosen as your best friend did not end well either.

The last one kicked you out and fired you from the position with good reason.

It seemed suspicious how you clung to me like a lost child, and how you told me personal information so soon in our time together.

I never viewed this as a weakness, in fact, I opened up to you also.

I really did want to help guide you in this life, and I don't mean control your actions.

True friends help guide each other down the best path, and always have your best interest in mind.

True friends love you with all their heart and want to see you happy and healthy.

I wanted to see you break out of your mold and become self-sufficient.

I wanted to see a stronger person before me that had overcome struggles in life and was now ready to conquer the world.

Instead, I am her new target and her arrow pierces my heart with a single blow.

I stand there dumbfounded as this chapter in the book I was writing is closed on me abruptly.

The words she says behind my back are unpleasant, and she twisted anything I have ever said into something negative to try and turn the masses against me.

She makes me out to be this toxic person filled with hate when I have nothing but love for her.

I am now the victim, and she will throw me and anything I ever told her in trust out to the wolves without even a second thought.

You can't elect me as your best friend, and then throw my trust to the wolves.

Three Pisces can't be wrong.

On your path to enlightenment, pray for those around you.

She will never find the light or silence my voice.

I will silence my voice when it no longer needs to be heard.

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About the Creator

Amanda Zylstra

Cat Lover, Poetry Writer, Tea Drinker, Skincare and Beauty Product Obsessed. Check out my poetry collection "Passing Skeletons" available on Amazon.

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    Amanda ZylstraWritten by Amanda Zylstra

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