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Worst Case Scenario (For Him)

There’s a point beyond which there is no returning. Although at times such a place can seem tempting, it must be avoided. The desire to escape everything at all costs can be truly overwhelming. Where is that point for Him? How does he end up there? How can someone catch him? Is there such a thing as “too far gone?” I hope not…

By Josh MorganPublished 3 months ago 1 min read
Worst Case Scenario (For Him)
Photo by Dilan NaGi on Unsplash

The loudest cry always comes from the voice that's quietest

The voices in his head are context to the quietness

His silence is a scream- an S.O.S.

But his writing finds him peace in a world so riotous

There's no silent nights in a place with no lights

More than his venting, it's his method to the madness

Writing out what remains unspoken-

Looking at himself trying his hardest to fix what isn't broken

It's evil what this world has done to him-

Sinful, how people think of him

But will never be sighted in the open- only cited by his ink pen

Effects of constant gaslighting sinking in

Like igniting a fire in the basement

To so plainly say he's misunderstood would be an understatement

Too often faced with the choice between being himself and fitting in

Opting in offing his own voice thinking hiding is his only and safest option

But heat hidden from the world is still sure to burn bridges

He's left unaccepted so he stays uninvolved

Years and years of loneliness

But he cant speak about the tears that ran down through such a time

How is it that he's never heard "I love you" once in his life

He's not too convinced of the existence of a future with a wife

"If no one's loved me before what'll be different now"

Intrusive thoughts are like a flash flood in his mind

What's omitted from his speech is hidden in the text

His worst case scenario

What I hope to never write about

Mental Healthsocial commentary

About the Creator

Josh Morgan

I began writing as a means of expressing creativity, relieving stress, and venting emotions. I mention my daily battle with mental health a lot, I hope it is relatable and inspiring to readers, as writing is something I'm passionate about.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran3 months ago

    My heart goes out to him and all the men who feels this way 🥺

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