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Whispers of the Soul

A Poetic Journey

By JoshuaPublished about a year ago 1 min read

In realms unseen, where dreams unfold,

The whispers of the soul are told.

A journey through the mystic haze,

In verse and rhyme, our spirits blaze.

With quill in hand, we set our sails,

Through valleys deep and mountain trails.

The poet's heart, a vessel true,

We venture forth, our words imbue.

Through golden meadows, sunlit streams,

We gather thoughts like starlit beams.

Each syllable a gentle breeze,

Carrying tales of hopes and pleas.

The rhythm dances in the air,

A melody beyond compare.

As stanzas weave their graceful spell,

Our souls in harmony do dwell.

In metaphor and simile's embrace,

We seek the truths we long to chase.

The poet's pen, a magic wand,

Transforming pain to wonders fond.

The moonlit night becomes our guide,

As moonbeams gently brush aside

The shadows of the day's cruel fight,

Revealing secrets in the night.

With words, we paint a vivid scene,

Of love, of loss, of all between.

We dive into the depths of thought,

Where emotions rise and battles fought.

Through rhyme and reason, we explore,

The depths of human hearts' encore.

From joy to sorrow, laughter to tears,

We capture life's fleeting souvenirs.

And as the journey nears its close,

Our souls take solace, find repose.

For in this voyage, we have found,

A sanctuary, profound and profound.

performance poetry

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