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Eternal Earth

Resonance of Eternal Beauty

By JoshuaPublished about a year ago 1 min read

In depths profound where secrets lie,

I pen a tale of Earth and sky,

A tapestry of ancient birth,

A journey through eternal Earth.

Beneath a canopy of stars,

Where galaxies in brilliance spar,

The planet spins, a cosmic dance,

As time unfolds, each fleeting chance.

The mountains rise, majestic, grand,

Their peaks caressed by clouds, they stand,

With rugged strength and ancient grace,

They guard the land, a sacred space.

The rivers flow, a silver thread,

Through valleys green, where life is fed,

They carve the earth with gentle might,

A lifeline coursing day and night.

The forests breathe, a vibrant hue,

Their emerald leaves glisten with dew,

In whispered sighs, the trees convey,

The wisdom of a bygone day.

In meadows vast, where flowers bloom,

A symphony of colors, a sweet perfume,

The cycles of life, they ebb and flow,

As seasons dance, they come and go.

Amidst the waves, the oceans wide,

A world unseen, a treasure to hide,

Beneath the surface, secrets unfold,

Mysteries written in depths untold.

And in the hearts of humankind,

A yearning deep, a tie that binds,

To cherish, love, and call our own,

This Earth, a gift forever known.

For in its beauty, we find our worth,

A home that nurtures, heals the earth,

With every step, a promise to keep,

To honor and protect, our pledge to reap.

This Earth, eternal in its grace,

A fragile planet, a sacred space,

Let's join our hands and make a stand,

To safeguard it with love's command.

For in its embrace, we find our rebirth,

A testament to the wonders of this Earth.

performance poetrynature poetry

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