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Whispers of the Slumber's Realm


By Mariam Sikandar Published 11 months ago 1 min read

In slumber's embrace, we embark on a quest,

To realms unknown, where dreams manifest.

A world beyond, where imagination roams,

With ethereal landscapes, like emerald-green homes.

Some find solace in meadows of tranquility,

Where skyscrapers fade, and peace is the deity.

A haven of serenity, where whispers of trees,

Soothe troubled hearts, setting restless souls at ease.

But others traverse a darker terrain,

Where fears take shape, igniting inner pain.

In the realm of nightmares, they stand alone,

Confronting their demons, in a terror-filled zone.

With eyes wide open, they awaken in fright,

Caught in the throes of a dreadful night.

The remnants of fears, still lingering there,

Leaving them breathless, gasping for air.

Oh, the mystery of sleep, a paradox untold,

Where minds wander, and realities unfold.

From idyllic landscapes to fears unconfined,

It's a journey of the subconscious, uniquely designed.

So let us cherish this nocturnal flight,

Embrace the unknown, and surrender to the night.

For in the realm of dreams, we're free to explore,

A world of wonder, where imagination soars.

Whether in fields of green or darkest abyss,

Dreams guide our spirits, granting moments of bliss.

As we awaken with wonder, in morning's sweet call,

We carry fragments of dreams, treasured by all.

nature poetrysurreal poetrysad poetrylove poems

About the Creator

Mariam Sikandar

As a writer, my role is to create engaging and informative written material that is fun to read!

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