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Where Diamonds Lie Unsparkled

will this ever change

By Alfred NyarkoPublished 5 months ago 2 min read
Where Diamonds Lie Unsparkled
Photo by Bas van den Eijkhof on Unsplash

In a town where cobblestone streets tell tales,

Where whispers echo through the market's trails,

There lived a soul of valor, pure and true,

Yet in his town, his heroism flew askew.

A lad named Eli, with dreams held high,

A heart of gold beneath the azure sky.

He tended fields, a farmer's humble chore ,

Yet his spirit soared, seeking something more.

In quiet moments, when the sun dipped low,

Eli helped lost souls, a silent, unseen glow.

He mended hearts with kindness and grace,

But in his town, his deeds found no place.

His courage shone bright in shadows cast,

He saved a child, held someone's past.

Yet eyes averted from his noble stride,

In the town where he lived, he barely bide.

His name whispered faintly, a fleeting breeze,

Murmured in hushed tones, not to displease.

For heroes oft' tread a lonesome path,

Their brilliance dulled in the town's aftermath.

The people sought comfort in what they knew,

Unseen heroes? Oh, if only they knew!

Eli's courage, a tale left untold,

In the town where heroes were not bold.

He painted hope on the downtrodden's faces,

Yet to his town, these were just nameless traces.

His valor, like a river's silent flow,

Unnoticed, unseen, his greatness aglow.

The village's eyes gazed past his feat,

Caught in mundane, life's rhythmic beat.

They sang praises of legends afar,

But to their own hero, they left ajar.

For heroes, it seemed, were from distant lands,

Not woven within familiar hands.

Eli's valor lay in seeds he'd sow,

Unseen, unsung, in the town's ebb and flow.

He sought no laurels, nor accolades grand,

Just a kindred soul's gentle hand.

Yet the town's eyes veiled his quiet might,

A hero overlooked in the fading light.

Eli's heart, a beacon in the night's embrace,

Guiding lost souls to a better place.

Yet in his town, a shadowed screen,

A hero, unrecognized, often unseen.

The winds whispered tales of Eli's grace,

How he healed wounds, a secret embrace.

But in the town, a deafening hush,

The hero's tale in a muted rush.

Time passed by in the town's quaint space,

Eli's heroism a forgotten trace.

Yet in the hearts he touched, a spark aglow,

A hero cherished, though the town didn't know.

For heroes dwell in humble souls,

In acts of kindness that fill the holes.

Unseen, unheard, but their echoes resound,

A hero's silence, in the town's surround.

And so, the tale unfolds in this town's decree,

A hero unseen, yet a hero is he.

Eli's legacy lives beyond the town's scope,

A hero's story, in whispers of hope.

Sun sets on cracks in the world's worn spine,

Hope whispers, "Will this ever change?"

Stars blink back, "Just keep walking, kind."

Balladsad poetry

About the Creator

Alfred Nyarko

I am a medical laboratory scientist. By day, I chase mysteries in the world of blood and cells. By night, I spin tales that blend science with wonder.Your likes/comments I value. ✨ Follow me at https://lnk.bio/Think_Outside_The_Box_247.

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Comments (2)

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  • k eleanor5 months ago

    Well written. Loved your poem!

  • This was so beautifully penned! Wonderful poem!

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