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What Is It...

What is it in you...

By Sydney robinsonPublished 7 years ago 1 min read

What is it about her that makes you appreciate every curve including the one on her face. What is it that makes you talk a mile a minute... till you're blue in the face and yet controls you to the point you say nothing at all.

What could it be, what allures me to you. Maybe it's within the eyes.

Ahhh the Portal to the soul. Dark tinted yet beaming with a glow. These eyes and that smile...*sigh*

Yet the smile can't be viewed without the adoration for your lips. Not the physical aspect... but the words that slip from them and how there's so much promise and yet so much unsurety... unclarity... curiosity.

I'd pay to view the unseen. Travel vast and far in order to see... just one of the thought that never made it to your lips.

I want to discover your rationale and what irritates you. What builds your wall up and keeps you secluded?!

I'd try it all just to see the forbidden mental.

Even if it's locked away.

Maybe then I'll understand what draws me to you like a moth to a flame.

love poems

About the Creator

Sydney robinson

Take a look into my head

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