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What Has Become


By Tayleen PohtoPublished 7 years ago 1 min read

Texas was never my favorite place;

never home,

always a place I'd never stay too long...

The air humid,

land bare;

dead year round.

One season so to seem,

life that grew,

forced by human hand.

Home was neither where I knew best;

Minnesota became cold,

not only during winter,

-but to my heart.

The beauty and wonder grew bland and dull in life;

also temporary.

For my heart grew weary and I felt I no longer belonged there,

for I saw no future to behold of myself.

My heart grew fond of Louisiana with the murky air,

heavy of rain stirring the swamp;

hiding danger from sight.

Again It grew dull,

still home;

weeping spanish moss,

dancing along the push of the wind,

in sync with the fall colored leaves,

scattered across a dampened mud ground.

Animals pattering;

trees letting their dead go-

awaiting new beginnings that arrive with spring;

drinking at the river,

music made by crickets,

yet it became old,

just a safe haven.

Upon going back to Texas to explore,

caught sight of a man who has became home.

For the first time brown eyes shown life,



hints of gold and green when the light was right;

also dark as night when the sky became your personal chandelier, bringing forth mystery.

His smile was enough to brighten the darkest of places within,

making everything seem safe,



The man stood a few inches over six feet tall,

skin perfectly tanned;

washing thoughts and memories a mist,

sun kissing your own skin.

Determined to be closer,

his touch-



simple... yet tugging at dangerous thoughts of perfection.

His lips brushed mine,

the first time and as if nothing else was there,

alone with him-

the air taken right out of me;

missing from lungs,

as if it were never needed,

no struggle to regain it.

His hand brushing skin,

raising chills,

washing every painful memory away.

I was home.

That was the exact moment,

I knew-

I was in love;

not capable enough to let it go away,

I had to have him forever.

I made him mine.

No longer was I looking for belonging,

home no longer became a place searched upon;

he is my home.

I knew where I wanted to be;


with him

love poems

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