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Weeping Heart

A Poetic Descent into Sorrow's Embrace

By Dr. Jason BenskinPublished 3 days ago 1 min read

In the silence of a somber evening, when shadows elegantly move in the soft moonlight,

An empty emptiness where a heart once flourished, I softly cry under grief.

A solitary tear runs down my face under the weight of the hug of grief.

Happiness, now far-off, gradually fades.

Covering in a veil of gloom, I am shockingly affected.

The happiness that used to permeate the air now echoes in the vacuum, naked and exposed,

Faint echoes of love now ethereal and delicate.

Wandering amid the chasm of anguish.

Once vibrantly alive and colorful, the planet now wore a sad blue tint.

The night sky' stars seem weak and far apart.

Every single one, a scar, every single one tear.

In the gloom of the evening, peace escapes me,

As sadness exacts its terrible toll, endless waves mercilessly smash against my tired spirit.

But throughout this great swath of gloom, a faint but brilliant gleam shows up.

An enthusiastic expectation of the daybreak just about here,

Warmth for the heart and vitality returning into the soul.

For now, nevertheless, in the depths of darkness, I shall sleep calmly under the song of loss.

Seeing a day with a more cosy hug when the hold of grief at last relaxes.


About the Creator

Dr. Jason Benskin

I am a dedicated writer whose work delves into the depths of human emotion and experience with a unique voice and an eye for detail.

My goal is to craft writing that resonate with readers on a profound level.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (2)

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  • Samson E. Gifted3 days ago

    Wow. Dr. your poem is so heartwarming and this is the best of the best

  • Gloria Penelope3 days ago

    Your poem is indeed heartbreaking. I feel sad reading it. Sometimes I used to live my life in agony, not knowing my fate. Loneliness was my best friend. Stress and depression altogether in me. I remembered every tear I once shed.

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