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At the heart of a deafening and explosive suffering

By Black InkPublished 12 months ago 1 min read

In the grand theatre of human despair,

A toothache takes the spotlight, in a stunning affair.

A villain so small, yet tyranny vast,

Bending the bravest, till they're aghast.

A comedy of suffering, an art so refined,

Pain performs its role, a capricious kind.

Each throb, each beat, an encore anew,

In this oral stage, the plot askew.

Night becomes an arena of relentless fight,

Rest stolen away by a gum so trite.

Yet, what a tale could be spun,

Of this torment, intense, fleeting and undone.

Life's high drama, its bitter-sweet taste,

The toothache, a playwright, in breathless haste.

Each pulse a monologue, every twinge a jest,

A comedy, a tragedy, life's grand fest.

So, here I stand, under the moon's pallid light,

A victim to the tooth's comedic plight.

Though I long for reprieve, for the pain to end,

I find a narrative, in the messages, it sends.

Just as the playwright finds beauty in life's jest,

I uncover truth in the tooth's cruel quest.

In the relentless, gnawing rage,

We discover the essence of our stage.

With the break of dawn, the pain shall pass,

Yet, an insight gained, shall forever last.

Just like a toothache, love, and life's disdain,

To truly appreciate, one must endure the pain.

performance poetryinspirational

About the Creator

Black Ink

Pen dipped in the ink of darkness, probing the abysses of the human soul...

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