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To The Girls Who Don’t Give Second Chances

No Second Chances

By Charelle LandersPublished about a month ago 2 min read

To the girls who don’t give second chances. The changes that come with heartbreak is like a simplistic give and take, the games he chooses to play leaving you disappointed time and time again and this is all when you’re still getting to know him, but you’re ignoring the red flags, hoping maybe this will work. The inconsistent game of his lies, the problem with his secret time, the sacred heart he claimed was mines, all the while sitting there lying. And you’re trying to figure out when should you go, do you need evidence that he doesn’t love you the way he should’ve shown. You fall in love with his mask then he does his daily tasks. You know the gym, his homies and back in your bed, his confirmation weakens your confidence and everything you thought you were isn’t it. The truth became reality he’s not the man you thought he was, he’s abusive and combative and worst part he’s using and abusing your trust. You claimed you never wanted to feel incomplete in love, a year goes by but you’re hoping he’s changed never really breaking up. To the girls who don’t give second chances, his first mistake was knowing that you deserved better then coming with the same games as Peter, John and Timothy. Too many times he’s left you feeling empty. I mean I get it, refusing to settle because of the games of some nigga. He proclaims you’re the girl of his dreams and for you he’ll do anything, yeah anything to you if you know what I mean. He keeps your pussy wet and your eyes, bacteria vaginosis and loud cries. PH balance all in discord and you pretended you didn’t know where it came from. I mean this man has got to be willing to do whatever for you but makes you act different. Then when you address the problems he claims you act different, but all three months ago he pretended like he didn’t show you any different. Claiming that he loves you like you wouldn’t notice the difference. Say you wanna leave but now he puts you in a position to start birthing his children, he’s knowing you’re willing all the while playing games and telling other women how he loves them disowning his children. To my women who don’t give second chances because they’re so loyal in the beginning. Teach your daughters don’t give second chances because he knows who you are in the beginning.

Mental Healthsurreal poetryFor Funfact or fictionBlackout

About the Creator

Charelle Landers

Published author, (A Serious of Unfortunate Events, pen name Jessica Wright) and mother to six wonderful children. I find that writing is a healing passion of purpose and the ultimate pursuit to happiness.

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