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Brown Girl, Brown Boy!

Inner city

By Charelle LandersPublished about a month ago 1 min read

Broken homes and broken cities filled with violence and other victims. The compilation of revolution looks to the destruction of America the beautiful. Broken hearts and loud cries the nationality of the designed brown. Inner city youth circumferences referenced by the same mistakes of their parents. Born to teenage boys and girls damaged by the wakes of the world, failed marriages and forced deprivation on so many levels, the socialism of so many devils, underdeveloped. The inner city innocence plagued with statistical endings the killings are headlined as the suppression to the declination of a brown boys potential. Broken homes and broken dream’s landfilled homes and desired streets, the economic fallout of a tailored being. Born a god or goddess just to run into incompatibile desires, the starvation of the urban city. Urban violence and urban changes, the 3rd dimension of urban hatred. Broken harmonies and broken roads the life of a struggle in a brown woman’s household. No one to lean on but the government taken what is given with the definitive definition of assistance. Deplorable situations yet they remain in them. Kids with no father and drug dealers, felons, and criminals, as father figures. Talk about the struggle with addictions. He struggled with addictions, broken promises and broken family values ventured as a means to escape the same society that he lives in everyday. Four corner hustlers, and sexual favors, petty nickel and dimers and solicitation. Can’t isolate them, the brown boys dream found on the court dreaming of finding a Lebron James team. The statistical data always seem realistic when we recognize the difference of societal inconsistencies. Broken systems and broken truths half told lies and broken youth. The urbanization of the broken myth, the brokenness we keep witnessing time and time again. The fight against corruption poverty and destruction the decriminalization of the brown boys struggle.

slam poetryperformance poetryFor FunFamilyfact or fictionBlackout

About the Creator

Charelle Landers

Published author, (A Serious of Unfortunate Events, pen name Jessica Wright) and mother to six wonderful children. I find that writing is a healing passion of purpose and the ultimate pursuit to happiness.

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