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To a Damaged Child


By Naomi TyhurstPublished about a year ago 2 min read

Dear child with the adventurous heart and curious mind,

All you wanted was to explore stories between pages,

To draw the characters and leave reality behind.

You didn't understand his random bursts of rages,

Nor whatever you'd done so wrong to feel so hated.

Everything was still new and unknown to your young eyes,

You could never imagine the darkness that awaited.

Why did you have to present perfection through pretty lies?

Why was it your fault when you were the one tainted?

You will wear the scars for the rest of your life inside,

And confusion and chaos will often torment your mind.

You will never recover the bit of innocence that had died,

And will carry your own broken heart; lost, alone, and resigned.

I'm reaching out to you now, my younger damaged me,

Because while I know you will fall into the deepest hole

Where there is no love, light, or hope left to see,

And that it'll seem like there's nothing left to give to life's toll,

I'm telling you that this is not when your life will end.

The nail marks you dug into your legs and elbows will fade,

You will no longer have to mask the sadness and pretend,

For the future is coming and you'll no longer feel afraid.

I was there when you climbed back up and endured the pain;

I'm here to say that you're heading somewhere worth living for.

It'll take courage to release yourself, to shake off the chains,

But I promise you will, and you'll find freedom plus more.

There are others waiting for you with open hearts and care,

The scars will hurt less and begin to feel less consequential.

While we know that what you tolerated wasn't right nor fair,

There's a safe place where you're accepted and essential.

There'll still be challenges, ones I cannot know or guess,

But you when you get here I hope that you will feel pride,

Because you've come so far, and it is me on the other side.

To the damaged child, to the younger me,

Thank you for carrying the broken pieces of yourself for so long,

For without you, I wouldn't be able to become this strong.

Thank you for getting up even when you struck rock bottom,

For if you hadn't, I would never have ever met him.

It's thanks to you, and all the things you learned along the way,

That I'm able to face myself, and to be glad that I stayed.

Sincerely yours, the one you became.

love poemssad poetryinspirationalheartbreak

About the Creator

Naomi Tyhurst

Art is meant to be seen and stories are meant to be heard. I create, because I want to share the dreams playing in my head.

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