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Time is the One true Alpha, Omega, & Everything in between

Here---let me explain...

By Barb SnodgrassPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
I couldn't find one with a girl in the picture...

we've been ungodly

all along looking to the stars while the enlightened

being has always been within the ticking rhythm

that's who we should be taking a knee to on Sunday

the clock flexes it's arms

constricting the topography

and just like real estate, when options are

gobbled up recourse evaporates

all the fairytales exist outside our limits

in saying that it's easy to find the

defining factor in life

Zeus is the clock; waiting to watch us die

sitting on Mount Olympus

toying with us---stirring stress which shifts

tectonic plates lying underneath relationships

within us harmonious rhythm crumbles as the

earth quakes---at any moment those sculpted arms swing the

pendulum so far out of whack that no one could navigate

now lying in decimate, seeing no reason to go on

hold! put that razor blade down and stay tuned

because following our sponsors fine product jingle

interludes and a brief preview of our upcoming

made for television horror thriller entitled:

"What's seeping through your cracked foundation?"

I'll show you all how to stop being such mammoth prudes

and now the teaser for the television event of the year:

"Curious how relationship dynamics switch

One moment devastated the next your bewitched

It hurts like nothing you’ve ever felt; but you must remain present

that’s the only healthy way to care for your emotional welts

Dancing with the devil every night in the moonlight

may seem like a great way to relieve yourself of horrendous plight

but from this type of pain you can never take flight.

If you don’t face it, keep blowing off your

appointment with it, it will turn misfit.

Then one day when you think it’s all gone away

you’ll hear it...”ding ding”, your door bell rings;

the misfit will start coming to you, ringing your bell,

and it’s bitter now; it has a certain type of festering smell.

Don’t answer now and it will go underground,

you’ll be able to feel the swell;

and that’s when you know through your severely

cracked foundation---it’s passing as freely as a blood cell.

Soon it will be in your kitchen, becoming your nourishment,

it doesn’t taste like chicken.

You’re slowly poisoning yourself,

you can’t feel that with every bite

your insides are turning black,

and now---it’s a fact.

The dynamic has changed, the roles have switched.

You thought all your fun and excess would you leave enriched,

while the one you love most sat with the pain,

cleanly sewing his emotional wounds stitched by delicate stitch.

Giving yourself away to trash, ignoring it, is akin to ripping all the ligaments in both your knees, then rubbing some dirt on, thinking you’re going to walk it off carefree.

It lunacy to think you won’t be effected by a

relationship of any magnitude.

You will change.

There is unbearable pain.

If from that you attempt to abstain,

it will seep through your cracks,

into your food,

and you won’t notice your

soul slowly turning black;

but everyone else will and

for dinner they won’t be coming back."

welcome back---we were discussing time

as the true one and only god

I'll show you the sun

peeking at suicidal fog and "puff" it's gone

cresting the horizon at dawn, born again

exclusively owned---possessed

a puppet on marionette to the wrong god

praising a cloud cartoon is a hungover ruse

rain dropping fountain destine coins

a little piece of heavenly currency

for another night of booze

this week's Apollo

coupled with mommy issues tomorrow so

at tonight's company christmas party

misfits can get loose!

deviants to whisper to after another

nearly court of public opinion decapitation

via political office misuse

so when the sun sets on another day

locked out of eden

there's no panic about forbade fruit so

Evie & the A man can gamble their current home

away to the snake's 3 card monty game

f*cking degenerates

shoulda left em where i found em

at least they aren't peddling sexy tapes

to the porno cabal anymore---at least i don't think

they've always lowered eyes---bowed to knees

painted the arid dirt metallic tasting crimson

appeasing every conceivable false kingdom

here's a brief recap false idol worship:

fire ball in the sky, the sea, wind

seasons, trees, planets

anthropomorphic apex predator beasts

---they worshiped those

then creativity brought myths and fables

pharaohs granted themselves celestial statehood

golden calfs and i can't forget the dark...

wondering what must be so

glorious in the shadows

to keep people from ever coming back

nuggets of gold, even it's dust

then buddha, the dark matters pendulum

all the hindu infinites

jesus and the other two

forming the triumvirate and

no one ever built a church steeple to the clock

but every one's equipped with a bell

tolling the word of the clock

if the rhythm of life was seated on it's rightful throne

activity would be prayer

blasphemy to waste it kneeling to pray

recycle all the scales no body would ever over-weigh

listening instead of waiting to speak

living in the moment

instead of rushing to clear the table

so we can all move closer to dying

all that and---small talk gone

eradicating the exercise of boredom

no best man speech would ever drag on

wasting away in non-activities and

half the dictionary wouldn't exist

say goodbye to waiting lists

harboring resentment, hatred

and couples that co-exist.

every clock tick sacred

for it would hold value over all

on my new earth it would be against law

hearing those 3 magical words

from your chosen one only to stall

not only devastating them but

wasting their god...

you'd be feather after tarred

and for ridicule a lightning rod

we'd finally evolve above arthropods

how could you waste an opportunity

if it was your God?

time is tangible, like water it can be floating in air

or more crushing than the weight of the entire world

it jiggles everyone's fate in it's arms as they rotate

hey...WAKE UP!


can't you hear the clock ticking

so full of time for you I’m dripping

hemorrhaging the only currency

anyone of us possess:


what you are doing is terribly unfitting of yourself

you need to stop forbidding

you know our thing is unremitting

so get over here so I can never let go again

of that I know you’re thinking

our eyes lock and instantly you’ll be gliding

into my arms you’re sliding

and we will finally stop risking

what, in the stars, since the dawn of time

has been written.

surreal poetry

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