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Through Seasons' Lantern Witness

Hidden in the gleam

By Nathaniel WhitneyPublished 11 months ago 2 min read

In realms enchanted, 'neath moonlit skies,

Where ancient magic softly sighs,

There rests a bridge of mystic weave,

Its stones enchanted, destined to deceive.

Upon its rail, a lantern gleams,

A relic born from ethereal dreams,

Its light, a prism of faeries's gleam,

Unveiling secrets through mystical streams.

It bears witness to enchanted tales,

Where mystical creatures tread hidden trails,

Whispering secrets, both dark and bright,

To the lantern perched on the bridge of night.

In spring's embrace when blooms unfold,

The lantern dances, its light untold,

Unveiling pathways to secret groves,

Where pixies whisper beneath emerald droves.

If feels the heartbeat of nature's core,

As nymphs and dryads freely adore,

The lantern's glow, a nature's kiss,

A symphony of life's eternal bliss.

As summer's sun reaches its peak,

The lantern's flame dances in mystique,

Revealing doorways to realms unseen,

Where dragons soar 'neath skies serene.

It witness of valor and might,

Where heroes brave seek the lost light,

With swords agleam and hearts ablaze,

They find their purpose in the lantern's haze.

When autumn arrives, a cloak of gold,

The lantern's glow, a tale untold,

Whispers carry through the rustling leaves,

Of ancient prophecies and destiny's weaves.

It feels the pulse of forgotten lore,

As ancient wizards chant by the shore,

The lantern's light, a guide through the night,

As realms converge in a spellbound right.

When winter spreads it icy reign,

The lantern flickers, undimmed by the strain,

A guiding star through the frozen maze,

Leading wanderers in enchanted haze.

It bears witness to whispered spells,

When winter fairies weave their knells,

Through the lantern's glow, a shimmering sight,

They conjure dreams on a frosty night.

Through the ages, the lantern shines,

A portal to worlds of fantastical signs,

Its light a bridge to realms untold,

Where wonders and magic forever unfold.

So should you wander near this scene,

Where bridge and lantern cast a magical sheen,

Embrace the fantasy's mystical might,

And let the lantern guide you into the night.

nature poetrysurreal poetryfact or fiction

About the Creator

Nathaniel Whitney

Short stories and poems. I enjoy writing cosmic horror, though I am not limited to a single genre.

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