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Three Dark Sex Poems

The extremities we simply most explore ....

By KWP Published 3 years ago 2 min read

Like everything on this planet, if you really want to get to know yourself and your surroundings better, if you wish to have a deeper understanding of life itself you must sink right in and experience every aspect even the dark side. Don’t be scared for we have it ALL within us.

Once you have the experience you can observe and move on. Sex is natural and it’s the best place to start.

Not So Simple Extraction

you gorge yourself

in my heat

and yet

even when satiated


falls limp

like the aftermath

of your deep thrusts

you don’t like to see me shine

don’t know how to harness my divine

your jealousy knocks the breath from

my lungs as I land against the wall

and yet

you flatter me

your pull is stronger than my push

we languish in tiny moments

lasting long enough to keep me

by your side

short enough to

remind me of the door

and yet

the leather chokes

I fade to black

waking to find you

panting, relived, finished

confusion prevails

as you rise my own heat

you gorge yourself

leaving me in my own

tiny moment of ecstasy

The Final Exhale


will only have the desired effect

for a short time

I’ll either end up dead

or you shall control me for

the lengths of my inhibited


then what?

this game you play

it is not love

but darling

trying to control

a woman unbound

serves no purpose

in in the everywhen

transient beings

take transient shapes

and as the last breath drains

she’s already moved on

this game you play

it is not love

but darling

trying to control

the everywhen is like taming

a typhoon with a lasso

she is the everywhen

she knows it

you’ve yet to grasp the ungraspable

imprint of force

feeds your own diseased ego

what for?

what darkness do you need to explore?

are the lessons being served?

as you release me and I draw

life wielding breath

are you too released?

choose wisely your counterpart

for some of us are ready to die

are you brave enough for the consequences?

Too Close

space between us

became less

as you unfurled in my reality

and I unveiled myself in yours

magnetised by moments shared

separation became a tedious task of

passing moments without you

time spent best was together


the rapidity in falling

deep, so deep within all of you

was not noticed as together we spiralled

into our very own slipstream

nothing was impossible

when we were together

was it too fast?

we didn’t notice the crack

you screamed as your large hand

wrapped my neck

pinning me to the wall

wet eyes

breath lost

you crushed at my throat

the same passion you once converted into love

now beat me silently through your psychotic eyes

you raised a hand

in a fist of fury

I resigned to my fate

did you read something in my eyes

when you allowed the moment to pass?

fist dropped in defeat

you step away

I love you

you don’t scare me

I love you

too close

we almost toppled


please can I have some more

I never wanted to

step back and breathe

surreal poetry

About the Creator


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