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Threads of Life

A Tapestry of Resilience and Beauty

By Abu ZahidPublished about a year ago 1 min read

In the tapestry of life, we are woven,

A symphony of moments, intertwined, unbroken.

We dance through seasons, like petals in the wind,

Embracing joys and sorrows that fate has pinned.

Life's journey, a path with twists and turns,

Lessons to learn, bridges to cross, and fires that burn.

In moments of triumph and moments of strife,

We find the strength to navigate this vibrant life.

Through sun-kissed days and moonlit nights,

We chase our dreams, reaching for new heights.

With every sunrise, a chance to begin anew,

To paint our world with colors bright and true.

Life's tapestry is woven with threads of love,

Binding hearts together, soaring high above.

In laughter shared and friendships found,

We discover solace, our common ground.

But storms may brew and darkness may fall,

Yet, within us, a resilient spirit stands tall.

For in the tapestry's warp and weft,

We find resilience, the strength to adapt.

So let us embrace this gift we're given,

Embrace the laughter, the tears, and all that's driven.

For in the intricate threads of joy and strife,

We find the essence, the beauty of this precious life.

May we live with purpose, love with grace,

Leaving footprints of kindness in every place.

And when our journey here reaches its end,

May our legacy in this tapestry transcend.

CONTENT WARNINGsurreal poetryinspirational

About the Creator

Abu Zahid


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