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The Wisdom of Living as a Leo.


By fauveao mauesPublished about a month ago 3 min read

Leos approach life head-on with a proactive, commanding presence, always striving for excellence and radiance. Underneath their dominant and vivid demeanor, they harbor a distinctive wisdom for navigating life.

Prioritize the essentials, overlook the minutiae.

"My time and energy are finite, so I focus solely on what's truly important."

Anyone who has collaborated with a Leo can attest to their pronounced ability to think big. They have an extraordinary knack for grasping the grand scheme of things.

Like a blueprint for a puzzle, Leos have a vision of the final outcome in mind, pinpointing the crux of the entire endeavor.

Therefore, they channel their energies and resources into nailing these critical elements. By doing so, they effectively accomplish 80% of the task. The remaining details can be attended to later, or even delegated, without immediate concern.

This approach of prioritizing the essentials while overlooking the minutiae prevents them from getting sidetracked by minor distractions or becoming mired in inconsequential details that could derail significant projects.

This echoes the wisdom of the poet Tao Yuanming, who advocated for the enjoyment of reading without obsessing over every detail. Tao's philosophy wasn't about shirking deep study, but rather not getting lost in the minutiae and missing the overarching themes, not sacrificing the beauty of the entire garden for a single flower.

For Leos, when faced with challenges, it's not about ignoring them; it's about assessing their urgency and impact on the overall objectives. If an issue can wait, they'll set it aside and return to it when resources allow, focusing their immediate efforts on what's most crucial.

Leos aren't known for sweating the small stuff. Their role is to steer the big picture, prioritizing the essentials, a trait even more pronounced in those who hold leadership positions.

Embrace the role until it becomes you.

Leos are renowned for their pride and it's no revelation that they conceal their worries, fears, and fragility, choosing instead to showcase their finest qualities to the world.

To some, this may come off as an act, a display of false bravado, or inflating their image. Yet, when Leos effectively utilize this aspect of their personality and refine it, it transforms into a potent catalyst for personal growth.

Indeed, by assuming a role long enough, you can genuinely evolve into the persona you aspired to emulate. This concept may seem intangible, but it resonates with those who have lived it or witnessed such transformations.

The conventional mindset is as follows: to progress, to upgrade oneself, one must acquire a range of skills and cultivate various capabilities. These enhanced attributes gradually bridge the gap to the 'plus' version, signaling the advancement to that improved state.

Conversely, there's an inverted approach: outright embody the 'plus' version. Embrace it mentally and project it outwardly, prompting others to interact with you as if you're already the enhanced version, thereby reinforcing your 'plus' persona.

When confronting daily activities and challenges, act as the 'plus' version would. This strategy effectively forces you to swiftly develop the requisite skills of the 'plus.' Essentially, you're bypassing the journey and embodying the destination.

While "pretending" can be a means to mask inadequacies and safeguard one's pride, it can also serve as a stepping stone to swift advancement, a strategy many Leos are likely employing.

When you fully comprehend its profound impact, you might find yourself saying: I truly relish in "pretending."

Leos know when to commit fully and when to focus on priorities, conserving their strength. They've mastered the art of navigating through life's ebbs and flows while preserving their authentic self.

It's the harmony of their outward boldness and inner sagacity that upholds their majestic presence.

Mental Health

About the Creator

fauveao maues

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