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The Upside Down of Freedom

There is the freedom in the small things we enjoy and sometimes take for granted. The everyday life events, the things that we consider blessings can quickly be take away from us. Freedom isn't free and for millions of Ukrainians and millions of people living in war torn countries freedom means everything.

By Misha TrubsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Go outside and smell the flowers, that's freedom.

There's no freedom when flowers are all gone.

Sleep on a comfortable bed knowing that tomorrow is another day that is freedom.

It’s not freedom when you toss and turn not knowing if there will be a tomorrow

Put on your shoes, get dressed and go to work. That is freedom.

There's no freedom when your work is gone for good and you need money.

Making a phone call to a loved one is freedom.

It’s not freedom when the phone rings and there is no one on the other line

Take a beautiful walk in the park with friends. That is freedom.

It’s not freedom when your friends are scattered and there is no park anymore.

Plan a trip somewhere new that is freedom.

It’s no freedom when all you plan is how to exist.

Kiss your loved ones and tell them you love them, that is freedom.

It’s not freedom when you have to kiss your loved ones goodbye.

Get in your car and drive that is freedom.

There's no freedom when there are checkpoints at every stop.

Use public transportation, that is freedom.

There's no freedom when the buses are gone and you're hiding in subway stations.

Go to the movies, a concert, a play, that is freedom.

There's no freedom when you are now stuck in a horror movie.

Know that you have nothing to worry about, that is freedom.

It’s no freedom when all you do is worry now.

Check up on your elderly parents and see them smile, that is freedom.

It’s no freedom when your elderly parents are suffering during their final years of life.

Look forward to a bright future, that is freedom.

There's no freedom when the future is dimmed.

Provide your kids with a better life than yours, that is freedom.

It’s no freedom when your kids might not live to see another day.

It’s freedom when you can work on your dreams.

There is no freedom when you are living a nightmare.

It’s no freedom when you feel physically trapped.

It’s freedom when you crawl through the rubble.

There is no freedom when there is an enemy tank rolling through your town.

There is freedom when your flag is mounted on the destroyed enemy machine.

There is no freedom when there are rockets flying towards your home.

There is freedom when doves fill the sky.

There is no freedom when the night is filled with guns.

There is freedom when there is silence in the night.

There is no freedom when you are cold inside your wooden shelter.

There is freedom when it is safe to make a fire again.

There is no freedom when you haven’t eaten in days.

There is freedom when your belly is full.

There is no freedom when all you see around you is blood.

There is freedom when all you see around you are heroes.

There is no freedom when you haven’t laughed in weeks.

There is freedom when happy memories can still make you smile.

There is no freedom leaving everything behind.

It’s freedom knowing you are still alive.

Get accepted to a school of your choice, that is freedom.

It’s no freedom when everyday's another hard life lesson.

Cooking a meal with love for those you love. And enjoying it at a table. That's freedom.

Looking at rubble filled apartment from a bomb shelling where your loved ones used to gather, that is not freedom.

Planning a life with someone you are deeply in love with. That's freedom.

Not knowing if you will see them again because they have to go fight. That's not freedom.

When you constantly live in fear. That is not freedom.

When you no longer have to live in fear that is freedom.

Knowing that one day this will end, and no matter what happens you will be ok and you can lean on others for support. Knowing that your country will rebuild and life will return to the empty streets. There will be laughter and smiles again, there will be hope for the future. That is all freedom. No to War. Slava Ukraine. Peace in the World.

social commentary

About the Creator

Misha Trubs

Born in Dnepro Ukraine. I speaks multiple languages and possesses deep knowledge that comes with being bilingual. I am open, truthful, and shameless. I enjoys stirring things up, by opening people up to have powerful conversations.

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