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The Theatre of Society

A Free Verse Poem

By Lindsay SfaraPublished 5 months ago 2 min read
Schloss Marienburg, Germany - Photo is my own

The curtain rises with the sun

as a new day marks itself

on the line of events we call time.


Significance does not come with the new light,

just the mere melancholy of repeating

the same that was done days prior.


Stir awake, dress suitably for public,

commute, conduct work, commute,

a minor leisure activity, rest with sleep.


Value is added to paper

to operate and mandate livelihoods,

like a ball and chain.


Expectations are made toward the youth,

when voices only start to crack and bodies grow,

of the kind of person they aim to be; or should be.


With decades of labor there is promise of better years,

once the mind and body can no longer keep up

and must let a new generation work in their stead.


Yet how are those the better years to enjoy,

when the outcome of not reaching that golden time,

or expiring soon after that milestone, are of chance?


Thus, when the curtain closes

on one’s final day, and from mundane routine,

what impact is there?


This is the playwright of society.

It seeks robotic performers to fuel

and follow its mediocre scenes every new light.


The role itself is not just without flair,

but it is also a conflict

within the inner being of those who act.


There lies a pressure to live the days perfectly,

without any hesitation or question

on which path to take, as long as “prosperity” reigns.


There exists a fear of being left behind,

as time proceeds onward without patience, it seems,

for those seeking answers from conformed communities.


It is a desperate plea to catch up,

to be like other performers who look like success,

and know their own place in the world.


As time thins hair and marks canyons in the skin,

there is panic and an overwhelming helplessness

on the combat of society’s directing and the inner being.


How lonesome it can be, to be the only performer

with the struggle of fitting in the play.

After all, the play is all that matters.


It is not.


Society plays an illusion on the performers;

where all seems well,

all are happy and know what they are doing.


Yet with a dispel of the magic,

no performer is alone in the struggle.

Society at last is losing control of its forced reality.


There are more and more performers,

causing a strike on stage

and refusing to continue the dull day-to-day scene.


Realization has been made

that there is more to living

than spending days with mostly labor until passing on.


Realization has been made

that there is more to living

than the value of paper that society maintains.


Realization has been made

that there is more to living

than acting along in the play’s rendition of success.


Realization has been made

that the thriving of one’s inner being

is all.


Society’s play does not heed the call

of the performers’ true place on earth.

That is where you rise, and start your own play.


You can be your own successful performer.

You can achieve your own call of fulfillment.

You can have your golden time happen now.


Start writing.

social commentarysurreal poetryStream of ConsciousnessinspirationalFree Verse

About the Creator

Lindsay Sfara

I'm just a daydreaming nerd writing poetry and fiction about mental health.

Follow my novel journey and more: linktr.ee/lindsaysfara

"Not all those who wander are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien

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