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The Queen's Land

A Twin Lands Tale

By Matthew PrimousPublished 3 years ago 1 min read
The Queen's Land
Photo by Erin on Unsplash

There was a total war in the twin lands

and it erupted over a simple feud

Over who should rule and govern it

There was a earnest Queen who fought

against the ruthless King

She only had an oracle guiding her army

She pleaded in distress daily saying

Oracle when will we win, when will it

come a time that the lands have peace

When will I have the upper hand

far too long have we waited

my people are urging peace

and my soldiers are weary

give me wise and good advice

so that I may govern the lands

The Oracle responded,

When all the people see themselves

as one shall the people rest

when each see themselves in eachother

For the war has blinded them

the King has bound them with his curse

You have to release them of their possession

by undoing their years of hardache, let

them see your justice

So when the day of battle appeared again

the Queen ordered that her army capture

the King's army and it happened that

the King's army was unprepared

and some of his soldiers fell under

the Queen's army and

the Queen came herself to her army's fortress

to meet the prisoners of war, walking ever so slightly saying

Though I am not a man and seen weaker

I offer you peace and freedom

too many years have we fought

Accept my invitation, you are not witches as

the King say, you are human like me

Give up your ways and I will relent.

However, the King's soldiers stood stubborn in disbelief

and they persisted but the Queen showed her wisdom

she delighted them with her simple treasures of life

such as beautiful food and enjoyable entertainment

so much that the King's soldiers forgot about their past misery

and sworn allegiance to her.

The Queen kept gaining the King's soldiers

until his army was depleted and the war ended

She ruled the land the twin lands with her peace and humility and her Oracle

was made her prime minister and together the twin lands were united.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Matthew Primous

I am a Black Scholar, International Scholar, & Google Scholar, & 3-Time Eber & Wein Best Poet., Nominee for Poet of the Year, 2020 Black Author Matters Winner, 2 time Akademia Excellence Essayists,& 2022 Honorary Muckrack Journalist.

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