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the offshore lightning is kin

on inter- and intra-connection on the seashore

By Chaia LeviPublished about a year ago 1 min read
A tidal flat before the ocean with storm clouds gathering and encroaching. Instax Mini, 2021.

Screenshot of the poem in its original formatting.

A painting frenetic moving,

soundless from our distance on shore,

striking the water dark in complex rhythm

monochrome visualizer of a high paced song.


The storm’s winds press across sand,

press into bare skin, press through bone;

to grasses and shrubs, tangling limbs

— the only storm we’ll feel tonight.


As clouds’ bellies alight from lightning’s

punishment of waters sound and deep;

as the sky connects with sea to littoral to dune —

to me, to you —

all threads together, through and through.


Through the in-between, spiritual, molecular,

— all bonds together created from the same:

of shell, plasma, stars, and blood;

of spines, roots, veins, claws.


Whichever god we call to,

whichever theory allow us fitful sleep:

entangled within and without,

the unknown binder and emulsion.


The lightning rolls away slow, deeper

into the ink black of the sleeping Atlantic;

creeping outward til it tires out

just as we tire out from yesterday’s sun,

just as we walk towards city’s orange sky

— away from retreating noiseless thunderstorm


to sleep off whiskey

to sleep off heavy legs

to sleep off the burden

of heavy revelation

A man fishing off the tidal flat beginning to be submerged by growing tide before the storm clouds came. Instax Mini, 2021.

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social commentarysurreal poetrynature poetryinspirational

About the Creator

Chaia Levi

like if Nabokov had a brain injury

artist, writer, photographer

instagram, tiktok, tumblr: @chaialevi

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