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The New Me.

Alive And Awake.

By Onikede AdedapoPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

As dawn painted the sky in hues of gold and blue,

Ade and Simba stirred, their slumber bid adieu.

They woke to a new day, filled with promise bright,

Their hearts aligned with hope, beneath the morning light.

With a stretch and a yawn, they rose from their bed,

Grateful for the rest, rejuvenated and fed.

They knelt together, offering prayers to the divine,

Gratitude in their hearts, like sweet, fragrant wine.

After prayers, they brushed their teeth with care,

A ritual of cleansing, a morning affair.

Then beneath the warm water, they let the shower rain,

Refreshing their spirits, washing away any stain.

Breakfast awaited, a feast to start the day right,

Ade cooked with love, filling the air with delight.

Simba wagged his tail, eyes shining bright and clear,

As they shared the morning meal, their bond sincere.

With bellies full and spirits high, they pondered the day ahead,

A list of adventures waiting, dreams to be tread.

They planned for walks in the park, and games to play,

Ade and Simba, partners in joy, come what may.

They also thought of the month, and what it might bring,

New experiences to cherish, songs to sing.

And as for the year, its canvas still unfurled,

They dreamed of journeys far and wide, a world to twirl.

But amidst the plans and dreams, one thing held true,

Ade and Simba, together, in all they'd pursue.

For in each other's company, they found their greatest cheer,

In the simple joys of life, in moments so dear.

With hearts full of hope and dreams held tight,

Ade and Simba stepped into the day's light.

Hand in paw, they ventured forth, their spirits free,

Embracing the unknown, with joy and glee.

As the sun rose higher, casting warmth upon the earth,

Ade felt a stirring within, a sense of rebirth.

With determination in his heart, he made a solemn vow,

To seize each moment, to live boldly, starting now.

"I am alive, I am awake," Ade declared with might,

"No longer bound by shadows, I step into the light.

No obstacle too great, no challenge too steep,

For I am the master of my fate, the captain of my keep."

With Simba by his side, a loyal friend so true,

Ade embraced the journey, whatever it may brew.

Gone were the chains of doubt, the whispers of fear,

In their place, a spirit of courage, resolute and clear.

He shed the weight of the past, like a cloak unworn,

Embracing the present, a new chapter born.

No longer defined by what was, but by what could be,

Ade forged ahead, his spirit wild and free.

With each step forward, he left a footprint bold,

Leaving behind the old stories, the tales untold.

He walked with purpose, his gaze fixed ahead,

In pursuit of dreams, no longer filled with dread.

For Ade had awakened to the beauty of his soul,

To the endless possibilities that life could unfold.

With a smile on his lips and a spark in his eye,

He embraced the unknown, ready to soar high.

And so, hand in paw, Ade and Simba strode,

Down the path of destiny, where dreams abode.

No longer held back by the chains of strife,

They embraced their new beginning, a fresh lease on life.

With every heartbeat, with every breath they drew,

Ade knew that nothing could hinder their breakthrough.

For they were alive, they were awake,

And together, they would conquer, no matter what it would take.

So, under the vast expanse of the azure sky,

Ade proclaimed his freedom, his spirit soaring high.

With Simba by his side, they ventured forth,

Into the embrace of destiny, their hearts filled with mirth.

And as they journeyed on, towards the horizon bright,

Ade whispered to the heavens, "I am alive, I am awake,

Nothing and no one shall hinder my new beginning,

For I am reborn, in this moment, in this life, anew."

With that declaration, they marched into the day,

Ade and Simba, united in their newfound way.

Ready to embrace the joys, the wonders, the strife,

For they were alive, they were awake, embracing their happy new life.

Stream of ConsciousnessMental HealthinspirationalGratitudeFriendshipfact or fiction

About the Creator

Onikede Adedapo

I love stories. Every word marks the definition of your view of the world. I hope mine can express clarity, passion and fulfilment. It's a fresh start for everyone, let's see how this writing journey goes, it definitely will be a blast.

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    OAWritten by Onikede Adedapo

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