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The Musings Of The Mind

Volume 7

By Jessica TaylorPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

Alone in 820 Part 1

Alone now in this room;

Time passes much too slow;

It needs to be gone soon;

To let my mind flow.

But, here and now the clock ticks

Seconds seem like eternity

Oh that clock; how loud it clicks;

As I sit here waiting impatiently.

I allow the music to play;

For silence is the thing I fear;

I cannot keep my heart in wait;

Just to cause the salty tear.

I think of all those who do not yet know;

I wonder if I should share;

It is the answer always of "no"

For I feel they will never care.

And now the silence scares me;

More now than ever;

I am lost in eternal sanity;

Knowing what I must sever.

Alone in 820 part 2

So this is where I stand

I pause for a moment in time;

This cannot be where I land

Alone in my own mystic rhyme.

Not lost to the oblivion of sanity

Or is it there of the lack

Watching those around me;

Wishing I could go back.

Music sentences my soul;

But, I cannot understand;

I will never become whole

With my face in the sand.

Such A Short Time

In the time I've come to love you;

I've learned that I must let you go;

My heart beats steady and true;

Though it still needs to grow.

I feel the thorns in my side;

At the thought of releasing who you are;

I've allowed to much pain on this tide;

Oh my beloved star.

My love for you runs deep;

I thought I could close my heart;

With a strengthened wall I did keep;

But, somehow it all fell apart.

My heart beating in the midst of time;

The wall crumbling at my feet;

The whole of me rising at the thirst of your rhyme

Only to slip on the icy sleet.

Knowing now i can walk alone;

Even after the broken wall;

The sin of loving you will one day come undone

And I will survive it all!

Little Blessings

The lord has blessed me today

With a gift beyond the ages

One to help along the way

One to be within the pages.

Voice of beauty;

I hear your song;

Woe the man before me

Ring your chorus long.

I close my eyes

Melody steady and deep;

Oh how my spirit flies;

If only for the peace I keep.

Letting Go

With all you are;

You are my courage;

Making me shine like the stars.

I am worth more now I see;

To myself I shall give the chance;

Through the eyes of only me.

Roar now my scattered emotions;

Feel his light, his love, his life;

Let go of the commotion.

Time to look beyond the tide

If only to seek the dawn;

It is time for me to rise!


About the Creator

Jessica Taylor

My deepest desire is to be able to help people; since I am too shy to be a professional speaker I decided that writing is my next best option. However, I do love the feel of the pen upon the page and the clicking of my keys on my keyboard.

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