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The Man Who Left Dinner


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

There once was a chap, quite the jester, no doubt,

He loved to make folks giggle, and twirl about.

He was eating his dinner, and all was serene,

When he jumped up, with a cry, so loud and obscene!

"I have to go!" he yelled, with a grin on his face,

"For I've just thought of a joke, that's sure to win the race!"

He rushed out the door, and into the night,

Leaving his friends to wonder, if he'd lost his sight.

The man travelled far, to a town quite absurd,

Where the people were silly, and the jokes were not heard.

He searched for an audience, to share his wit and glee,

For a chance to be crowned, the jester of the three seas.

He told his jokes, with a twirl and a spin,

Making the folks in the town, all grin from within.

And when he was done, they cheered and they clapped,

For the man had become, the town's jester, snapped!

So if you're feeling down, and the world's got you blue,

Just think of that jester, and what he'd do.

With a joke and a smile, and a twirl of his hat,

He'll make you laugh, and you'll forget about that.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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